Chapter 3

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Buffy POV:
I can't believe Marty just said my eyes are the color of the sewer, which is really gross and weird. Even though he said that to me, I really hope he doesn't think i dont  like him or something. I do. I think he's cute, adorable, and funny- as a friend.

It's still pretty hard since I can't talk to my mom,but of course I always send her letters. Anyway, me, Andi, Cyrus,well every 8th grader from last year are now freshman in high school. No more Jefferson. The track team here is better. Well since it's varsity which means were the best and I'll continue to be the best on my team, even if I'm a freshman.

Today we don't have practice since, it's raining hard with thunder outside, and I didn't bring my bike or umbrella so I'll have to walk home by myself.

When school was over, I grabbed my books and homework(also my bookbag,duh)and walked out of the ELA classroom. Marty has looked at me all day but I avoided him. Not to be mean, it's just I feel nervous around him.

I rushed over to my locker to get my sweatshirt when a shadow blocked the florescent light on my locker "Hey", I looked up to a boy with brown hair and almond eyes. He was tall and had a bulked body. He looked at me bravely. I smiled a little and said, " Hey to you back ", the boy smiled at me. "I'm Marcus Marin"(and no he is not from pretty little liars, just forgot some made up last names for him). The boy put his hand on my locker. " See you don't have an umbrella ". I looked inside my locker acting like I lost something so I wouldn't make eye contact with him. " Yeah I guess I don't" I said. "Well here", Marcus opened his coat and took out an umbrella. I laughed as he held it out to me. "Thanks do you always give your umbrellas away from your coat?" I said.
"No just to pretty girls like you " Marcus said. I blushed a little. Marcus then walked away and went to the entrance of the school and left. I smiled. I then just noticed Andi and Cyrus had already left. I closed my locker and was about walk away when I saw Marty looking at me, while a cheerleader was talking to him,asking him to go out sometime with her.

I rolled my eyes and walked out of school, opened my umbrella and set out to walk home, with the rain hammering on the umbrella, laughing at what Marcus said to me.

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