Chapter 9

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Andi's P.O.V-
My life is perfect. It seems that everything is going well for me. Only one thing- Amber. She seems to still like Jonah but were starting to get to know each other a little more so I guess that's cool.

Anyway, me and Cyrus were just talking and chilling in patio of our school. I had a chicken teriyaki sandwich that Bex had made for me on the table. I was eyeing it hungrily waiting for Cyrus to stop talking and let me eat. While this was going on, I looked over and saw Jonah. "Ahh Jonah". He is just looked too cute in his flannel shirt and blue sneakers. While he was talking, he seemed to keep looking at me. Once we made eye contact, I quickly turned my head as fast as I could. Hoping to God that I wouldn't get whiplash and to not embarss myself in front of him. Jonah seemed to be done with the conversation and came walking to where me and Cyrus we're eating.

He then came over to us and I felt my heart start to beat a little faster.

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