Chapter 6

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Marcus P.O.V

I'm happy that I succeeded in making Buffy gasp and get all worried so easily. That boy that was at Buffy's doorstep seemed familar. I don't know but he does look like I've seen him before. Anyway, ever since I came to our high school, I never knew I'd meet someone cool and funny like Buffy. Were both on the track team and it's fun training her. I think I like Buffy. But hell no, am I telling her that or doing a dumb confession to her. I have to keep thinking and be near her more.

Marty P.O.V: At School
I never knew that Buffy liked hanging out with Marcus. Heck, that dude seems to like to just take care of himself but what do I expect, girls like those kinds of guys but not Buffy. I thought.

Once I got to school, I was still really embarrassed that I tried to be alm cool and nice near Buffy. On the weekend, Buffy had DM'd me but I couldn't answer. After what happened, I was hoping thst I wouldn't have to go to school. I tried to tell my mom but she wouldn't listen to me.

When I went to my locker,  and was getting ny stuff ready for homeroom, I felt a tap on ny shoulder. "Hey", I looked over my shoulder and saw Buffy. I felt relieved that she didn't think I was a loser or dork for going to her house and just leaving out of nowhere. "Hey to you to", I said back and grabbed my things. "Are we gonna talk about what happend on Saturday"? Buffy asked ne smirking. I shook my head, remaing silent. Buffy frowned at me but I ignored her. "Hey what's going on here"? I turned around to find Andi and Cyrus approaching us. I put on a smile, and said, "Nothing, me and Buffy were talking about school work". I grabbed my backpack and binder, then closed my locker. I said a quick bye to Buffy,Cyrus,and Andi and walked to my homeroom trying to get a seat so I won't get to sit next to Buffy. 

:/ Hey peeps!! I think this chapter was longer than any other chapters but I guess that is good. Anyway, hope you like this chapter

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