Did you say 'Mom'?

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Hey quick note that I have to get out of the way. I do not own these characters or the show Teen Wolf if I did some people wouldn't be dead.

Stiles POV~~~~

"Hey mo- Stiles." I heard Isaac say as I approached the pack.

Some of the others shot him a glare, once it hit me what he was going to say. I gave him a shocked expression and he looked down cheeks turning scarlet. Scott looked at me cautiously and slowly turning his head.

"D-did you a-almost just say-" I was cut off.

"NO!" Shouted almost everyone else earning us some stares from other tables.

I glared at the others slightly. "Isaac, did you almost just call me mom?" I asked looking at him and raising a brow confused.

He nodded causing the others to look panicked. I nodded slowly then stood up and walked out, I heard the pack chase after me unsure how I would react.Once outside of the cafeteria I turned to the pack with a questioning gaze, and the message was clear 'You are going to explain'. We went into the boys locker room and I began my questions.

"Why did you call me mom?" I ask the confusion seeping into my voice.

The pack looked at each other before Erica spoke up. "You are kinda like all of our mom." She said with a shrug.

"What do you mean? I'm the same age as almost all of you, and not a woman; plus some you still have moms at home." Boyd answered this time, and it surprised me as he was usually the quietest of the pack.

"You act like the pack mom whenever all of the pack is together, especially when one of us is injured." He stated simply.

"So I care about my pack, so what?" The edge of defensiveness in my tone made Isaac flinch. Remembering his past I put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"You're literally doing it right now!" Jackson yelled gesturing to me and Issac.

"I'm being a good packmate, so what?" I kept my voice less aggressive in my defensiveness this time.

"Stiles unzip your bag for me?" Though Scott said it like a question it was clearly a demand.

After I unzipped my backpack he started going through it. When I started to protest he put his hand up. After he was done I zipped my bag back up.

"Stiles this is your first aide kit right?" He asked holding up my kit. All I did was nod. "Then why does it have my old inhaler, Erica's old epilepsy meds, Liam's old meds too, period stuff, herbs from Deaton, and other things for basic medical supernatural medical needs?" He continued to pull each item out as it was listed.

"In case suddenly someone steels you guys' powers I want to have the medication anyone used to need, the girls may need it, Deaton's been giving me lessons in supernatural healing too." I instantly replied. "Also, while me and sourwolf have been helping Liam with control, more so me than him, it's better safe than sorry."

The girls looked thankful, and Erica looked especially so, Scott smiled as well as everyone else. It took me a good ten seconds to realize why they were smiling at me like that, when I did I started to blush.

"You were the one that taught most of us control, or researched about our powers for us." This time it was the pack's youngest pup Liam who spoke.

"Okay so I have mom tendencies, so what?" I asked getting defensive.

"There's nothing bad about it Stiles," Lydia said trying to be reasonable, "but when you constantly act like a mom someone's gonna call you mom. I know for a fact that anytime someone comes over in the middle of the night because of nightmares you instantly give them a hug and let them sleep in your bed with you for the rest of the night." I didn't want to, but I had to agree with her, so I begrudgingly nodded.

"Ok so if I'm the mom, who is supposed to be the dad in this situation?" When I asked this question the hesitant glances between the group didn't go unnoticed. I decided my best bet to find out would be to ask one of the 'good' pups. I looked over at Kira and saw her beginning to break down.

"It's Derek." She said finally breaking. The others glared and some even growled, those who growled were given a flick on the nose and a glare.

"So sour-wolf is the dad and I'm the mom? Like the Alpha and Luna of a pack normally are." I stated with a nod punctuating my sentence.

The rest of the pack shared a look before Lydia spoke. All she said was that it was basically like that before the subject was quickly changed. While I was suspicious of that I moved on to get back to my classes for the day.

~~~~After School~~~~

We all met up at my jeep before deciding to just head straight to the newly rebuilt Hale house to hangout and do any weekend homework before the weekly pack night. Everyone was excited for pack night because it always meant I cooked dinner and then we watched movies. After that it's a puppy pile in the living room.

No matter how much Derek hates that I call it a 'puppy pile' when they're all, as he puts it, ferocious werewolves, and not defenceless pups I continue to do it. I find it funny how he thinks that after the number of times one of them has crawled into my room because of nightmares, that I'll still think of any of them as 'ferocious'.

The only one of them that is even kind of scary is Peter and he's more creepy than anything and that's because of the whole zombie thing.The only reason Peter isn't scary to me is because he confided in me that part of why he went on a revenge fulled killing spree is because his son was one of those who died in the fire. We talked after that about his son and about my mom it's been good to talk to him about that because he gets it. While Derek also lost people he never wants to open up with me.

Hey everyone I'm finally writing again. It's weird I know but I've decided that I love doing this for all of you too much to give it up.

Love You All,
Your Queen

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