He Likes My Spark!

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~~~~3rd POV~~~~

"It's the tool I will be using for my new magic  trick." Stiles said sharing a secret smile with Peter.

"A magic trick? That's what Deaton helped you with?" Everyone in the pack picked up on the disbelieving note in Erica's voice.

Stiles just smiled mischievously and  channeled some of his spark through the paper thinking of Deaton's instructions from earlier that day. The resulting gasps from the pack at the final appearance of the strip of paper caused Stile's smile to widen.

"You lucky little thing you!" Peter said, Stiles could practically see a tail wagging behind him.

"Why is Stiles lucky?" Lydia asked, her natural curiosity shining in her eyes.

"Our Luna here is a Spark, a spark that just so happens to have a triple affinity, consisting of air, earth, and water." Peter was practically shaking with excitement.

"What does being a Spark mean for Stiles?" Scott asked.

"Me being a Spark means that I have a very powerful form of magic that Deaton is going to help me learn to harness. I've used it a few times, when I finished the ash circle during the kanima incident, a few times when we were younger too Scotty." Stiles shrugged.

A few pack members, who realized the pun he had used earlier when describing what the paper did, groaned. Derek was looking at his mate in a whole new light, almost as if he was seeing the male for the first time. Derek was remembering a few other instances of the improbable happening around Stiles, the pool during the kanima attacks for example.

"Stiles the Hale vault has some books on how to use your spark and so does my private collection, please tell me I can help you figure this out." Peter asked, he was already thinking of all the possibilities on how he could help.

"I don't have any issues with that, but right now the most I need to be doing is meditating to fully understand my core better." Stiles said.

Though Peter deflated a little at having to push back helping Stiles with his spark he was still more cheerful than most of the pack had ever seen in their memory of the older wolf. Derek seeing his uncle happy again for the first time in a long time couldn't help smiling too.

"This is some really exciting news Stiles! It also reminds me of some things that never made sense around the time we started trying to figure out all this supernatural stuff." Scott's usual puppy-like exuberance shined through his statement.

It was on that cheerful note that Stiles reminded everyone that he needed to finish cooking and that they could the conversation back up during dinner. Boyd and Erica stayed in the kitchen to help Stiles finish dinner.

-Skip to Dinner-

"So on the topic of your spark Stiles, what all did Deaton say he could do to help?" Derek asked after a few minutes of everyone eating their food.

"He didn't really offer any ways for him to help other than supplying me with helpful books, and putting me on the right path. In all honesty our conversation wasn't that long. He did say that meditation is key to understanding my spark, and that thanks to my triple affinity I may be able to manipulate wood and snow eventually." Stiles said, after swallowing his bite of food.

"A spark having two affinities isn't uncommon, but from what I've read a triple affinity such as yours, especially one that leads to more elements, is on the rarer side." Peter said, paying rapt attention to the current topic.

"Well Stiles, you always said that you would kick my ass one day, it appears to have been sooner than I thought it would be." Scott piped up from further down the table.

"I only said I'd kick your furry little werewolf ass cause that's what you were being at the time, an ass." Stiles didn't even look up from his food as he said that to Scott. There was quiet laughter around the table from the two friends' banter.

"Would being a werewolf make it to where you couldn't use your spark?" Even though Liam had directed his question to Stiles it was Peter who answered.

"Being a werewolf would have stopped Stiles from having complete access to his spark, so while he could still do small things, anything like using his affinities or larger spark uses would have been basically impossible." Peter's answer caused a few pack members to feel relief for Stiles' luck in not being bitten so far.

"I guess we're lucky I never asked any of the alpha's I've met to change me," Stiles said, causing Derek to shoot him a questioning look that prompted Stiles to elaborate. "I've been around Peter as alpha, you, the entire alpha pack, and this one time some random wolf was passing through on his way back to his pack in the Great Lakes area." His statement was met with shocked silence.

"Is that the wolf I smelt on you that one time, that when I asked you said wasn't staying?" Asked Scott.

"Yeah, that's the one. Nice guy, said I smell spicy and intriguing." Stiles laughed at the odd description.

"Sounds accurate, the night I bit Scott I caught some of your scent on him and it smelt like cinnamon and something else I still can't identify, but it's for lack of a better word intriguing." Peter said, and the rest of the pack with enhanced senses nodded to his words.

"Maybe that, oh so intriguing, smell around Stiles is his spark affecting his scent to make him stick out from humans, so that while wolves may be tempted the spark's scent also wards them off from biting Stiles." Lydia's incite was met with contemplative silence.

"That could explain why, despite being present at different times, the supernatural has never killed, or bitten me instead of someone else. Like my spark could pick up on danger and affect my surroundings in a way that gets me out of danger. For example the night that Scott was turned my spark could have gotten me caught by my dad, or when people were being sacrificed and other virgins were chosen instead of me... and I feel I've said to much." Stiles' thoughts had gotten away from him and caused him to talk unfiltered.

"Don't worry Stiles, all the werewolves here can smell that you're still a virgin, just like we'll be able to smell when you're not anymore." Peter's sentence was punctuated with a pointed look between Derek and Stiles.

"Wonderful, just what I've always wanted to hear, not only can you smell virginity you smell when it's gone how wonderful." Stiles was as red as his hoodie as he spoke.


At long last I have updated! Sorry for the long wait on the chapter, this year has been...intense to say the least. I hope you all enjoyed the new part and look forward to your comments.

Love, Your Queen

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