Use the Force Stiles

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Hey guys and welcome to another chapter of my story. I hope you all enjoy and wanted to just say that I'm sorry about the long breaks between chapters I am also annoyed by it so y'all aren't alone in that. Now onto the chapter.

~~~~3rd Person POV~~~~
Stiles was quick in dropping off food for his dad and grabbing more clothes for himself. His dad didn't mind him spending time at the new house because Stiles usually only stayed there on weekends so if he decided to spend the occasional weekday there at least he knew where he was.

After that Stiles drove towards the animal clinic to talk to Deaton about something he's been noticing and to get more herbs for pack first aid.

"Yo Doc are you hear yet?" Stiles called as he walked towards the back of the vet's office.

"Back here Mr. Stilinski, as you already know, seeing as you called ahead." You could practically feel the exasperation coming of the man.

"I know, but better safe than sorry. Anyway I had a couple questions I wanted to run by you since your one of the experts on the supernatural in this town." Stile said, stepping into the examination room.

"Well ask away, though I must remind you I don't know about certain things." Deaton looked up from whatever he was working on to focus on Stiles.

"Well I noticed some strange things and thinking back it's been going on for a while. I was wondering if you happened to know what was going on?" Stiles could tell that Deaton had an idea of what he was talking about.

"Well Stiles I've suspected for a while now that you might be what's called a spark. A spark is something very potent in the supernatural world because all a spark needs to get their powers to work is the right motivation and strong enough belief that it can happen. The night when we were dealing with the kanima and you had enough mountain ash somehow is the perfect example of this." As Deaton spoke Stiles was slowly feeling like something in him was starting to settle and calm, like knowing what he was called was a key piece of the puzzle.

"So I'm a spark? That's feels right to me, but to be one hundred percent sure is there a test we could do?" Stiles wanted this to be true with everything in him and doing this test, if there was one, would be indisputable proof that he isn't useless to the pack. The pack has never said aloud that he was useless, but to him the insecurities would never go away without proof he wasn't, and this power that he might have was the just proof he needed to show himself that he was an integral part of the pack.

"There is something that can be used to prove you're a spark, it will also tell us what element is closest in connection to your spark. Before you ask that just means it's the element that will be easiest to control with your spark, well technically speaking it could be multiple elements." Deaton said, walking towards a drawer and taking out a peace of paper from inside. (This is 100% stolen from Naruto. Chakra paper)

After handing Stiles that paper, Deaton instructed him on how to Chanel his spark's natural energy into the paper. When Stiles channeled the energy the paper split in two with one half turning to dust and the other becoming wet.

"What does that mean Deaton?" Stiles asked throwing the soggy paper away and rubbing his wet hand on his pant leg.

"It means that you Mr. Stilinski have quite a bit of potential, with a triple affinity toward air, earth, and water you could possibly learn wood and snow manipulation later on." Deaton said taking out the second piece of affinity paper Stiles had asked for, as well as some books on training his affinities.

"You mean that? Thank you so much Deaton, you've been a tremendous help throughout this entire process, I don't know if I'll ever be able to thank you enough for all your help." Stiles, now aware of it, could feel his spark thrumming with happiness and excitement.

"Stiles I should thank you for the opportunity to see a spark grow and flourish. Plus if you really want to thank me, you know I wouldn't say no to some of your famous cooking." Deaton said handing Stiles the books and helping him to get out the door with his new reading material.

Stiles agreed that he'd have Scott bring him some food the next time he came in to work. With that and a quick goodbye Stiles quickly made his way back to the pack house, to drop off the books and pick up everyone who was going to the store with him. When Stiles got to the house he went to his room and dropped off his stuff before going outside to watch the rest of the pack finish up training for the day.

"Hey guys, when you're done you've got thirty minutes to shower and change before we go to the store!" Stiles shouted from the porch as he saw Peter flip one of the pups.

After the pack finished training everyone going to the store with Stiles got showered and changed. After that Stiles and his merry band of werewolves, consisting of Derek, Scott, Erica and Issac, got in Stiles' Jeep before heading of to the store.

"Okay I have the grocery list with all the necessities, but you all know my rule that whoever comes with me gets to pick one snack for just themself." Stiles said walking down through the dairy section first as he gave each of the pups three things to get from the list before they could put their snack in the basket. Derek stayed with Stiles for the duration of the shopping trip.

Stiles got all the necessities and got himself some spicy nacho Doritos, Derek got apples like the "responsible" adult he is. They met up with the pups who put the rest of the food and their snacks in the basket before heading to checkout. After that the pups all took four bags each while Derek took six leaving Stiles with two.

~Skip to at the House~

After putting away the groceries all the pups and Derek left Stiles unbothered while he got started on dinner.

Derek was in his office working on some things for the pack finances when he suddenly smelt Stiles' blood. Not taking a moment to think Derek was in the kitchen the next second looking for threats to his mate before checking on his mate to see what happened. When he saw Stiles looking at him, throughly amused with a bandage on his thumb Derek easily figured out what happened and felt silly for overreacting.

"Sorry, I smelt your blood and assumed the worst. How is dinner coming?" Derek asking , seeing Stiles' amusement increase at the unsubtle subject change.

"It's coming along pretty good but while I was cutting up the broccoli for tonight's stir fry I sliced my thumb a little bit." Stiles said loud enough for the, obviously, eavesdropping pack members to hear. "Also tomorrow when he goes to work, Scott has to take some food to Deaton in exchange for the help he gave me today." Stiles added after remembering his conversation with Deaton.

"What did Deaton help you with?" Erica asked as she and the rest of the pack came into the kitchen and dining room confirming that they were indeed listening in.

"It's actually something really cool, you guys wanna see?" Stiles asked putting down the knife and moving towards the stuff he brought home from the vet earlier. Receiving affirmation from everyone he held up the piece of affinity paper and turned to face the pack.

"Is that what I think it is?!" Peter asked, excitedly coming closer to Stiles.

"It is indeed my dear zombie." Stiles was just as excited in his answer.

"What is it?" Scott's confuses puppy look was on full display as he asked what was on everyone's minds.


The update is here! I'm not dead but I have been sick for awhile, so while I had planned to update next month I got the chapter done earlier than anticipated. Hope y'all enjoy.

Love, Your Queen.

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