I'm Your What Now?!

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"Stiles you're my-"

~3rd person~
"Stiles you're my mate." Derek said, refusing to make eye contact with the young man in front of him.

Stiles was frozen for a moment before his face spilt into the biggest smile and he started to cry from joy. Derek could smell the salt of the tears and thought the worst. As he started to turn away he suddenly had an armful of crying Stiles.

"Am I really your mate?" Stiles asked, not letting Derek break the newfound contact.

Derek still not sure what he was about to see turned his head towards Stiles and seeing the hope in his tearful eyes and smile on his gorgeous face nodded. After that he's not sure who did it and he didn't care because he and Stiles were kissing.

Both of these men had been wanting for so long to kiss the other, now that it was happening they didn't want it to stop. Stiles felt like he was finally complete knowing that he wasn't going to be stuck in some unrequited love nightmare. Derek felt weightless and like he could do anything with his mate by his side. Together they both just felt right. They finally broke away from the kiss that felt like it lasted hours but was only seconds, both of them grinning like fools to have the one they loved in their arms.

Stiles realized something. "The pups were dropping hints about this today at school," he said, "after Isaac called me mom they said I was kinda like the Luna of the pack. Those sneaky little shits knew I was your mate!" He seemed irritated that they had dropped so many hints and he hadn't realized.

"You're really cute when your frustrated." Derek whispered to Stiles. Stiles' nose was scrunched up and he was pouting his lips, but hearing Derek say that made him flush and cover his face with both hands. Derek pulled his hands and away and started to kiss every mole or freckle on Stiles' face making the blush worse.

"Stop." Stiles was definitely whining when he spoke, causing Derek to chuckle and back away after stealing on more kiss from his flustered mate.

"So, even though I hate to ruin the moment I have to ask, how is this going to work, cause I'm pretty sure my dad would kill the both of us if he knew we were dating before my eighteenth birthday in a few weeks." Stiles asked bringing the two back to reality.

" I don't think he'd kill us for just dating Stiles, if we don't do anything till after your birthday your dad should be fine with it." Derek was quick to reassure the both of them. After losing so many people neither one of them wanted to lose the other after finally getting each other.

"Finally you two get together! All of us were waiting forever for it to happen!" The two looked up to see to see the whole pack in the doorway. The one who spoke was Erica though from the look on everyone's faces what she said was true.

"Alright people, nothing to see here, go to bed, we may not have school tomorrow, but you all do have training first thing, so pack it up and head to bed." Stiles was ushering everyone out of the doorway as he spoke, herding them towards where their rooms were.

"You guys heard Stiles, off to bed, if your not in bed ready to sleep in the next 15 minutes extra 5 miles to run and extra 20 push-ups." At hearing Derek's instructions everyone was much quicker to get to bed. Stiles looked back at Derek with a grateful look on his face.

The two walked up stairs together parting with a kiss when they came to Stiles' room, before heading their own ways. When both enter their respective bedrooms they were all smiles and neither could stop thinking about kissing the other again. They both fell asleep that night to pleasant dreams of the future together.

~~~~The Next Morning~~~~

The pack woke up the next morning to the smell of breakfast and the sound of something they all loved, Stiles singing. You might think the teen couldn't carry a tune, but surprisingly their pack mom had a great voice, others of the pack (read Scott) couldn't. Everyone in the pack loved the occasions when Stiles would sing it was a sign that the young man was in a good mood and when Stiles had a good mood everyone around him just seemed to have a better day. Unbeknownst to them this effect was because he was the Luna of the pack. The Luna influences the Alpha and by default the rest of the pack.

When they all entered the kitchen they saw that Stiles had been cooking for a while based on the amount of food on the counter for the normal Saturday breakfast assembly line the pack does. He had made scrambled eggs, bacon, pancakes, english muffins, french toast, and fruit salad. Just when they all thought he was done he pulled out a breakfast casserole from the oven.

At that point Stiles turned around halfway through singing Riptide by Vance Joy and as soon as he saw the pack he lit up with a smile directed at all of them.

"Good morning everybody. You'll all have to wait a bit for breakfast till Sour Wolf gets back from perimeter check, till then you can all get your drinks, Peter your special coffee is in the mug that says "Quiet I'm drinking coffee" written on it." Stiles said, setting down the casserole and starting to get the orange juice and a smoothie he made for Erica every morning out of the fridge.

As he finished talking the rest of the pack heard Derek come inside and head towards the kitchen. When he entered the kitchen he was immediately handed a cup of coffee and a empty plate from Stiles who waved him towards the food. Soon after that every on had served themselves and was sitting at the table eating and talking to one another about random things.

"Hey guys don't forget, you have training after breakfast so don't eat too much, also while your all training I'm going to drop off food with my dad and talk to Deaton about something, but when I get back I'm going to the store so whoever's coming will need to be ready to go." Stiles announced to the pack after everyone was almost done eating. Everyone nodded or made similar gestures to show they understood.

Hope you all enjoyed the chapter! I'm sorry it took me so long I was swamped with school and when I finally had time I had no inspiration so I'm happy I found some recently because I have no plans to abandon this story at this point in time.

Love, Your Queen

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