Admit It

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~~~Peter's POV~~~
I was with my nephew at the new house when a thought struck me. I abruptly cut off the young alpha's talking to voice my question.

"Derek, have you told Stiles yet?" As soon as I voiced my question I could smell the anxiety from my nephew.

"No, because Stiles is 17 and also straight." I heard his lie clear as day. I didn't need to be a werewolf to see through his excuse though.

"Of course the young Luna is; that's why he can't stop making goo-goo eyes at you. And why anytime you're present he reeks of romantic hormones." I said in an unimpressed tone.

~~~3rd person~~~

Derek sighed as leaned forward putting his head in his hands after Peter's statement.

"I know," Derek began. "but Stiles is 17, and to top that off his dad would shoot me if I did anything before his 18th birthday in two weeks."

Peter sighed and fixed his nephew with an unimpressed stare clearly not buying what he was selling. Probably because his sale was for something equivalent to I don't know, leaves? Whatever is closest to you that you wouldn't buy? I digress.

"Nephew I don't know if you've noticed, but Stiles isn't exactly a virgin, his father knows this. You however are only looking for reasons to put off a possible, and highly unlikely rejection. Kid you miss every opportunity you don't take, do everyone a favour and take the opportunity tonight after the pack meeting." After his rant to Derek, Peter took initiative to start getting out cooking utensils for Stiles when he got there.

Derek still standing in the living room was going over everything that he had been told in the past few minutes. After examining everything he decided Peter was right and that he needed to tell Stiles and that tonight's was probably the best time to do it.

Not long after Derek's revelations he heard the familiar Jeep's engine and the closely followed slamming of doors indicating the pack had arrived back from school. All eleven teens soon piled into his, and some of their, home.

"No Danny tonight?" He asked looking at the group of teens in the entryway.

"Nope, his parents wanted him to stay home tonight cause they are going out of town for business soon." Jackson replied speaking fondly of his mate. Lydia nodded to back his story.

"Okay, that just means extra food for the rest of you then. How unfortunate I'm sure." Stiles said in the usual sarcastic tone he used when talking about how much the pack ate.

"Yes! We get extra of m-Stiles' cooking tonight!" Liam yelled high-fiving Issac.

Stiles rolled his eyes walking toward the kitchen where he found Peter pulling out the last of the ingredients for him. He thanked the him before shooting him out of his kitchen so he could start cooking. After turning on some music Stiles started on the dinner that night of salad, corn on the cob, inside out cheeseburgers, some with bacon too, and veggie burgers for some of the less meat inclined pack members. He also started on desert of tiramisu. Every ten minutes he had to swat away the hungry hands of some pack members like Malia who seemed to almost always be hungry.

After cooking for two hours the food was ready and he promptly told the pack they could come into the kitchen again. Everyone all but ran in and sat at the table waiting for him to bring the food with Kira's help so they could eat.

"Everyone remembers the rule about eating right? You can't take a bite until the alpha, and if they're present the alpha's mate, have both taken at least one bite." The unknowing irony of his statement was not lost on any of the rest of the pack. They all nodded or said an affirmation before he and Kira set down the food.

Before anyone could pounce on the food Stiles started serving the food himself to keep thing easier for everyone. After everyone had received food Stiles got his own and sat down to the left of Derek with Scott next to him and Peter across. After Derek's first bite Stiles dug in excited for the food he'd worked hard on. Stiles was so wrapped up in his food he didn't notice that only after his bite did anyone else eat.

"Hey Sour Wolf wanna hear something funny the pups did today?" Stiles asked. Issac knowing where this was headed groaned.

Derek rose an eyebrow at Issac before hesitantly nodding at Stiles, in his chest he felt the joy of Stiles referring to their pack as 'the pups'.

"Issac called me mom at lunch, then to explain the pups went over all my mom-esque traits. I still don't fully see it, but hey I don't mind so it's cool." Stiles shrugged as though that punctuated his sentence further.

Derek gave the pack a quizzical look while Peter stifled his laughter unsuccessfully. The pack were all either smiling or in Issac's case trying to become apart of the furniture.

"You're right Stiles, that's hilarious!" Peter said finally getting over his laughing fit.

"That's what I thought! I mean if the pups see me as pack mom then I guess I'm pack mom, but if I am I better get one kickass Mother's Day from you guys." Stiles joked sharing in Peter's laughter.

"I'm sure the pups will do that for you Stiles. Right guys?" Derek asked looking around at the various pack members.

They all nodded quickly eager to please the pack mom and not wanting to disobey the alpha. Peter laughed harder at the pack's reaction.

"Thanks guys for that, but I'm only joking. If you do something I won't be mad though." Stiles said still laughing alongside Peter.

After everyone finished eating the pack members who had cleanup duty did that; then everyone gathered in the living room for movies and the puppy pile later. Once everyone was settled they waited for Stiles to pick a movie seeing as he was the only one who could pick a movie they'd all agree upon.

"Tonight's feature presentation will be," Stiles paused for dramatic effect, "The Maze Runner!" He said finishing by putting the movie in the blu-ray player.

Throughout the movie everyone subconsciously got closer together till they where in the puppy pile, with Derek and Stiles at the center. After the movie was over everyone migrated toward the hallway that everyone's rooms were in, apart from Stiles who's room was upstairs like Derek's. Peter's room was in the basement at his request to be 'closer to hell'.

"Hey Stiles will you stay back a second I need to tell you something." Derek said.

"Sure thing Sour Wolf." Stiles agreed not ready to go to sleep.

Derek took a deep breath before starting what he needed to say to Stile now that all the pack where in their rooms.

"Stiles you're-

Sorry for cutting it off, but I've got to have somewhere to start the next chapter off. Thanks for all the support from you guys.

Love, Your Queen

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