one; oh, that boy is murder

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         one; oh, that boy is murder

    He takes a long drag on his cigarette, then blowing the toxic smoke out smoothly, tapping the end of his smoke. I watch him and his buddies sit at the other end of the paved courtyard, passing around a pack of cigarettes, not even acknowledging the fact that smoking was outlawed from school property years ago. Nobody dares to say a word to them— neither teachers nor the janitors. It's like he rules over them, like some sort of ancient tyrant and the first to say a word will be beheaded. 

I tear my eyes from him when he takes the half empty pack back and shoves it in the back pocket of his distressed black skinny jeans. Their laughs echo in the open air and the people quiet down a little. I sigh and turn back to my small group of friends.

"Bri, would you stop staring? It's rude and you're going to get us killed," one of my friends, Liam says in a hushed yell across the table. 

I look at him, very amused at his word choice. "Nobody is going to get killed, Liam. Are you really scared if a bunch of hoodlums who smoke on campus because they think they're bad ass?"

"Brianna, I know you just moved here in May from, the always sunshine and rainbows, California, and you're new, but I am more than positive you have heard the rumors about him."

I roll my eyes at Liam as Ashton chimes in. "Leave her, Liam," he says. "If she wants to fuck with him, let her. She'll have to learn. You know she has a curious little mind."

I turn from the sandy-haired boy to glare at the blond boy next to me. "What is that suppose to me?"

"It means you like knowing everything."

I roll my eyes at him. "Bye, Ashton."

He chuckles and puts his arm around me. "You know it's true, babe."

"He's a killer, Bri," Sammy, my best friend says from across the table. "I told you this already, he's bad news. He's been arrested a couple times for drugs and shit. People say his father is a gang leader and he's following in his foot-steps. He's a cold hearted bastard. You don't want to mess with him, seriously."

I look over my shoulder at them. They don't even look that tough; just a bunch of wannabes. I roll my eyes and turn back to my friends. "You guys are a bunch of wimps."

"Who's a wimp?" I look up to see my older brother standing behind me. He smiles down at me and squeezes to sit next to me at the end of the bench. 

"They think those kids over there are scary," I inform him, pointing over to them. 

"Nobody said they were scary," Ashton says. 

"They scare you Ashton, don't lie," I tell him and he rolls his eyes, then going back to eating his food. 

My brother, Niall, laughs and slings his arm around my shoulders. "Well, they don't look that bad."

"Thank you!"

"Zayn is in my physics class, he's not bad," Niall tells the group.

"Which one's he?" I ask, turning to look back at them. 

"The really hot one," Sammy says, nodding towards the dark haired boy, stepping on a cigarette. I smile and nod approvingly at her. "Right? He's gorgeous," she gushes. 

I laugh and Niall continues talking about him. "He invited me to a party tomorrow."

Liam looks up at him with wide eyes. "He did what?" 

"He invited me. He told me to bring friends, too," he says casually, stealing a few chips from the opened bag on my lunch tray. "We should all go," he mumbles with a full mouth.

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