Chapter 25

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Welcome back

Maya POV
     Saturday couldnt come around fast enough, and when it did, my day was already a mess. I was supposed to meet Lucas at Topanga's at 9, and its already 10:30. I sit up fast, grabbing my phone. I had four texts and three missed calls from him. The last text made my heart stop.
I'm only staying till 10:40.

      I pull my hair into a messy bun, and glance down at my outfit. I'm wearing a white skin tight tank top, and baggy grey sweatpants, but this will have to do. I grab my keys off of the counter, then sprint out the door.
      As I pull onto the road, I dial Lucas's number. "Maya, where the hell are you?" The boy growls. I flinch at the tone of his voice, and clear my throat. "I wasnt blowing you off I promise. I overslept. Ill be there in like, ten minutes. Please wait, Lucas."
    "Whatever." Is all he says before he hangs up. I groan and toss my phone into the seat next to me.  When I pull up to the cafe, I see Lucas sitting in a booth, and theres a small purse next to him. Lucas is already whipped again?
       I walk up to him, cocking an eyebrow. When the blonde notices my face, he shrugs, "Its my girlfriends." I nod, opening my mouth to speak. "So, you moved on fast." I say. Lucas clears his throat, catching my gaze. "Uh, not quite. Anyways, we are here to talk about you, not me." I sit down, folding my hands in front of me. "Yeah, so uh, shall we start from the beginning?" Lucas nods so I continue.
     "Ive been in love with Riley since 7th grade. I always did a pretty good job at hiding it, or so I thought, until senior year. I'm not sure if you remember this, but one day I had made plans with Riley, but then you came and asked her on a date. I encouraged her to go with you, even though I loved her. But at the time, she was my best friend, so of course I would put my own feelings aside for her."
     "I was upset. But she couldnt know why, so I fled. There is only one place I go that nobody knows about except for me -and Riley. She found me there, and she heard me say it. She heard me confess my love for her, through my sobs. I didnt know she heard me, until a few weeks later. During homecoming, she pulled me into the bathroom and kissed me. Not because she wanted to, I dont think, but because she wante-"
     Lucas cuts me off, "Maya, I already know most of this." I nod slowly. "I know. Just listen. Its best you hear the story from start to finish." Taking a deep breath, I begin to speak again. "So anyways, she kissed me, and I pushed her away. We decided to let it go."
     "Everything was fine and dandy until halfway through freshmen year in college. I'm not going into full detail, all that matters is Riley stopped calling. I got a damn tattoo for her, and she didnt care. Anyways, we happened to be back at the same time, and eventually, I couldn't stand not having her in my life. I let her talk to me, I let her invade my thoughts, and eventually, I let her kiss me.
     I let myself fall even deeper as the days went on. Eventually, I found out she was dating you. I didnt want to hurt you, Lucas, so I told she was gonna have to choose. I know its harsh, but what choice did I have? I love her.
      But you found us kissing in the park, and after that night, I didnt hear from her for weeks. She up and left again. She left me a note, sayinf that she went back to school, so I flew down there, and she kissed me. She kissed me like she wanted me. But then she said she chose you.
     I have been living in my sadness for a week, crying myself to sleep every night." By now, I'm pouring my eyes out, but Lucas still sits expressionless. "I dont know why I'm so in love with Riley, but I'm hurt, Lucas. I'm so sorry."
       The boys face still doesn't change, he just stars codly at me. That is, until I feel a cold breeze behind me. Lucas smiles, and I turn around to whatever is there. "Hell no." Of course Riley is here. Why wouldnt she be? I start to get up, but none other than Farkle pushes me lightly back down. "We are all talking about this right now. I can't lose you all again." The boy grabs my hand, giving me a pressed lip smile.
     Riley sits next to Lucas, pressing her lips on his. I roll my eyes, trying to keep from crying harder. I wipe my face, voicing a fake laugh. "Literally all three of you know what I have to say. I'm not saying it again. So Riley talks, not me." I spit, shooting daggers at the girl. Riley nods, biting her lip.
     "Lucas, I love you." Of all the eays to start, thats how she does? "But Maya. I love you, so so much. I love you so much that its bad for my health. I havent been able to go a day without thinking about you. You are so addictive. Your eyes, your lips, your smell, you. I wanted you, needed you. I tried to convince myself that I was made for Lucas, because he's great. But, but you. I dont even know what to say. I kissed you at school because I thought that would be the last time I saw you, and I needed one more kiss. When I came back, I started dating Lucas, and I thought kissing him would make me forget about you, but I mean, how can someone forget about you?"
      Everyone at the table was silent, and I shift my gaze to Lucas, who sat staring at the wood in front of him. Nobody moves for a few seconds, until I suddenly lean forward, crashing Riley and my own lips together. The world seemed to stop, but only for a few seconds, because I pulled away. "I'm not done." I whisper, and I know she knows exactly what I mean, because she nods.
     I stand up and leave, patting Lucas on the shoulder. He stiffens, "i know you mean no harm." I nod and leave, shooting one last look at Riley and Farkle.

"How can someone forget about you?"

Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait, but I won't be updating as much now that school is starting up again. Thank you for your patience:)
Much love, readers❤😭

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