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                                 Naruto and shikamaru and shake and neji were in lady tsunada office and they got into a fight. Naruto was sitting next to shikamaru and shikmaru was being lazy as usual. " so what did you four fight about know" tsunada said and naruto looked and shikamaru and sighed knowing the lazy prince would never love him everyone thinks naruto is a monster. " well neji and naruto got in a argument and me and sasuke tried to stop them this is such a drag" shikamaru said and naruto sighed. " well I get that but why" tsunada said and then naruto was going to say something and the disapereed and so did neji and then shikamaru and sasuke. Shikamaru and temaru were dating and naruto knew and it broke his heart. When they disappeared tsunada froze.

Then temari and sakura and ino and sai came running in. " what's the problem" tsunada said still shocked her godson vanshed even though he was like her son because naruto parents completely ignored him for his to other siblings. " kakashi sen-sai and iruka sen-sai are gone" sakura said and Tsunda gasped and then ino said " same with Lee we were talking to him and kiba and kiba disaperee on the way here" and said noded and tsunada then really looked puzzled. " gaara and kankuro are gone to and where is shikamaru and the four that were in your place" temari asked and tsunada sighed. " there gone to sasuke neji naruto and shikamaru disappeared when they were talking this is wired but sakura can you get the hataka Ino get shukaku sai get the uzumaki and temari get your dad and ino get asuma and gai sen-sai to" tsunada said and they looked at eachother and noded. " hai" they said.

What could the person do this accomplish there is one person I think that would do this tsunada thought. She got on the phone and called a person. " hello what do you need hun" the voice said and tsunada sighed. " I need your help jiraiya come back I fear somthing happening to naruto and some others" she said and jiraya gasped. " I am on my way" he said and then we hung up and there was a knock and I told them to come in. The door opened to reveal shukaku Nara minato and his wife kushina and there other two kids uzumaki namakiza and hataka and umino elders and asuma sarutobi and his father hirzuen and gai and the
Konoha 12or at least and the sand tribe kakzkage and temari. Tsunada sighed and said " sit down we are waiting for on more and then I will tell why I called you hear" tsunada said and they nodded and minto being the hokage could order her to tell but he though it was wise not to push her. Minato thought it Involed menma or mito but he is mistaken.

Three hours later jiraiya came and knocked and tsunada told him to come in and he looked and saw minato and growled. " what is he doing here he has nothing to do with naruto" jiraiya said and tsunada sighed. " well if I think it is who I think I fear the worst for them" tsunada said. Jiraiya nodded and sighed and sat down next to her and wraped a arm around her waist. " what's this about" shukaku said. Tsunada sighed and hung her head. " early today neji and naruto got in a fight and sasuke and shikamaru got in the middle to stop them I pulled all four of them to talk and when we were in the middle of it naruto was going to say something but he disappeared and so did neji hyuga sasuke uchiha shikamaru Nara and then the rest of the group cane in and said kiba inuzka and Kankura and gaara subaku rock Lee and kakashi hitaka and iruka umino disappeared and why I called asuma sarutobi and gai in here is to ask have they mentioned anything" tsuanada asked and said and asuma and gai sat there. Hirzuen looked at his son. " well know you mention it shikamaru have mentioned he was felt like someone watching him" asuma said and sighed.

" same with Lee and I don't know what it could be though" gai said and tsunada sighed and jiraiya looked at her. " the only person I can think about is orochimaru but he was after a uchiha so I don't know why kidnapped the rest though" tsuanada said and jiraiya sighed and said " I could think of another but he wanted the nine tails in naruto and why the rest I do not know but I hope we can find then and that is why she called you all here" jiraiya said and minato and kushina sighed. " I hope that demon got killed" know that set jiraiya off. " how could you say that about your son they are missing and you don't care go to hell minato and kushina" mikoto uchiha spoke and kushina looked shocked her best friend said that. " enough fighting is not going to bring them back this is so troublesome" shukaku said and as lazy as shikamaru. Tsunada mumbled something like father and son and sighed. " the Nara is right but I do agree with mikoto and I can't believe I accepted you as the hokage" the old sarutobi said and sighed. Hirzuen thought of naruto as a grandchild and hated minato and kushina for what they did.

Tsunada sighed and streched said " alright keep your eyes open and asuma if you find naruto bring him to my house" tsunada said and asuma noded and left and so did gai and the rest. Tsuanada then went up to jiraiya and kissed his check and they went home.

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