Chapter One

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 After the incident with the Dementors on the train, Harry wasn't quite as excited for the school year, since he learned the Dementors would be hanging around the school grounds. But he wasn't very worried, because he knew Hogwarts was a safe place.

 The school year didn't start off on a very good note. Having the Dementors nearby seemed to add a sort of gloom of Hogwarts' beauty. Classes weren't going all that well, either. In Divination class, he learned he had 'the Grim'; that was incredibly disturbing. And since poor Lavender Brown's bunny died when she learned it would, he knew there couldn't be anything good coming his way.

 Care of Magical Creatures class wasn't much better. Draco Malfoy went and provoked Hagrid's hippogriff, Buckbeak, and Buckbeak gave Malfoy a good scratch on the arm. It wasn't really anything that bad, but Draco was making a big deal out of it, which worried Harry.

 Then in the first Quidditch match of the season, Harry fainted when Dementors stormed the Qudditch Pitch, which caused his Nimbus 2000 to fly straight into the Whomping Willow.

 And on top of all of that, Harry couldn't even go to Hogsmeade with Ron and Hermione. He didn't have a signed permission slip.


 Not much mail usually came for Harry, which was why he was surprised when Hedwig gave him a letter that had his name written on it in very neat script.

 "What'd you get?" asked Ron, who sat next to Harry.

 "It's a letter," Harry said, staring down at it. "At least I think it is."

 "Who's it from?"

 "I don't know." Harry put the letter in his robe. "I'll open it later."

 Harry had no idea who the letter could be from, but something about it made him feel strange just looking at it.


 Harry waited until the other boys were asleep that night. He pulled out the letter and opened it, pulling out his wand and whispering, "Lumos." He held it above the letter, and began to read.

 Dear Harry Potter,

 You'll probably think it's strange that I am writing you a letter instead of just talking to you, but I didn't feel comfortable approaching you. But I wanted to be able to say something to you.

 In case you're wondering, I'm a student here at Hogwarts, too. We have never met, and I doubt you know me by name. I try to keep myself out of trouble. We're in the same year, too.

 I always heard the name Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived, and it sounded like such a fantastical idea. But then I saw you for the first time, and realized you're just a kid, like the rest of us. You're obviously a little uncomfortable with being The Boy Who Lived, and it sounds like something that would be very tiring. You seem like you're really nice, though, without pretending, and that's nice to see in a hero (because really, you're sort of a hero after killing that Basilisk last year).

 I was sorry to hear you lost your Nimbus 2000. I hope you can get another broomstick, and be able to play again. I think you're a great seeker.

                                                                                                                                           A fellow Hogwarts student

 Harry read the letter over and over again, until he finally whispered, "Nox," and went to bed, and even he had trouble falling asleep.

 Who sent him this letter, and why? Was it really a fellow student who happened to admire him, or was it someone else trying to gain his trust? Sirius Black was still out there, wasn't he? Suppose he had sent Harry the letter. Ever since Black had escaped from Azkaban, it felt like everyone was more worried about him than usual.

 Harry eventually fell asleep, still thinking about the person who had sent him the mysterious letter.

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