Chapter Fourteen

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 Declan hung around outside the entrance to the library, waiting to see if Harry would show up. He had already gone into the library, and saw no sign of the other boy.

 He couldn't help feeling uncomfortable hanging around in the corridor by himself. Rolf had asked if he wanted him to come along, but Declan preferred to go alone. He just wished Harry would get there already. He was always nervous about the possibility of running into his cousin Draco, although he couldn't remember when the last time was they had spoken.

 Declan felt a little relived when he finally saw Harry hurrying down the corridor towards the library.

 "I'd say it's about time you showed up," he said. "Do you know how long I've been standing here waiting for you?"

 "Yeah, I'm sorry," Harry said. "I have a lot of classes I'm trying to keep up with. Um, let's go inside."

 They entered the library together and sat down across from each other.

 "So, how did you get sorted into Hufflepuff if your whole family has been in Slytherin?" Harry asked.

 Declan shrugged. "No clue. I thought I was going to get sorted into Slytherin like everyone else. It was really awkward having to write home to my parents that I had been put in a different house while Draco was put in Slytherin."

 "So, Draco's your cousin?"

 "Yeah. His father and my father are cousins. We see them at Christmas, and I hate it. Draco always finds a way to mock me. That's I stayed here at Christmas for my first few years. I didn't really feel like being around the rest of the family."

 "Have your parents ever given you a hard time?" Harry asked. "With being in Hufflepuff?"

 "They were definitely shocked. But I think they've accepted it by now. I went home for Christmas last year, and I'm glad I did. We didn't spend it with any other relatives; and it was just the three of us."

 "That sounds nice," said Harry. "It's nice hearing about you. The actual you."

 Declan smiled a little. "You know, you could just ask me to tell you a little about myself. You already know my name. My parents are Cathair and Sorcha Malfoy. I'm an only child, and my parents and I live in a big manor house in Ireland, not far from the sea. I found out that the name Declan means 'full of goodness', and I don't understand how on Earth a Malfoy ended up with a name like that. I don't have many friends, really. I hang around other Hufflepuffs in my year. My best friend by far is Rolf Scamander."

 "Scamander?" Harry repeated. "Isn't that the name of-"

 "Yes, I know. Rolf's grandfather is Newt Scamander. He wrote one of our textbooks, Fantastic Beats and Where To Find Them. I've actually met the Scamander family. In our second and third years, Rolf insisted I go with him to his home for Christmas instead if staying here. When I met his family, he introduced as his best friend at Hogwarts."

 "He sounds great."

 "Yeah, I think you would like him. I would ask you about yourself, but I already know about you from your letters. I never get rid of any of them, you know."

 "You've kept all of them?" Harry asked.

 Declan nodded. "Wouldn't want to lose any of them. You have nice handwriting." He sighed. "I'm sorry if this is getting awkward. You want to know why I kept my real identity a secret."

 "I know why now," Harry said, "And I understand. If you had introduced yourself to me in person and by letter, I don't I would have trusted you when I heard the name Malfoy. But thanks to Luna, I had a whole summer to think about it."

 "Ah, Luna." Declan smiled. "I met her in my fourth year. She's a nice girl, even if she's a little batty. I know she had good intentions by introducing us. I didn't exactly tell anyone I was writing to you."

 "But Malfoy suspected," Harry said, remembering something from fourth year himself. "I showed him one of your letters, and asked if it was him, because you have the same initials. He said it wasn't him, and I believed him. But he had this look, like he knew who it was and just wasn't saying."

 "And I'm sure he thought it was hilarious," Declan huffed. "This is why I don't talk to him unless I absolutely have to."

 " wouldn't know what he's up to these days?" Harry asked.

 "Probably not. Why? What's he done this time?"

 "Well, I'm not sure if he's done it, but I think it could be. Do you think it's possible Draco could be Death Eater?"

 Declan raised his eyebrows. "Draco, a Death Eater? You think so?"

 "Yes, I do. His father's in Azkaban now, and something's off about him this year. I think he really could have replaced his father as a Death Eater. It could be, couldn't it?"

 Declan's face had become completely serious, and he said in a grave tone, "Harry, that is very serious. But knowing Draco, I think it's very possible that this theory is true. I would try to get information out of him myself, but I doubt he would talk to me."

 Harry nodded. "Right. Well, it's getting late. I should probably get to my common room. Thanks, Declan."

 He nodded. "Sure. And don't be such a stranger. Let's talk every now and then, shall we?"

 Harry nodded back. "Yeah. Sure."

 He left the library, leaving Declan alone at the table to wonder if his whole family was going to end up as servants to Voldemort.

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