Chapter Three

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 Harry waited patiently for another letter from this D.M. (or at least tried to wait patiently). He did his best to contain his excitement as he slipped a letter Hedwig had given him into his pocket.


 Dear Harry Potter,

 Thank you for leaving me your letter where I could find it. I'm glad you decided to write me back. It would have felt weird writing one-sided the rest of the year. 

 It's good to hear you're going to be playing the next Quidditch match with your Firebolt. That's fantastic, and I hope things go well for the team.

 From your letter, it's obvious that deep down you really are just a kid like the rest of us, and I like that about you. You have to be one of the most down-to-earth heroes I've ever heard about. If you had the chance, would you want to be ordinary?

 I hope you're doing all right with all this Sirius Black mayhem going around. It sounds horrible, and I hope you'll be okay.

 Good luck against Ravenclaw!


With that, a correspondence really began.


 Dear D.M.,

 Thank for the good luck. Wood's got everyone practicing as hard as they can for Quidditch (that's Oliver Wood, our captain). It's his last year at Hogwarts, and he really wants to be able to win the House Cup before he graduates. I really hope we can win this year for his sake.

 If I could be just an ordinary kid, I think I would. Sometimes it's nice being The Boy Who Lived, but other times I wish I was someone else. It would be nice to be just plain old Harry instead of Harry Potter the hero who defeated Voldemort.

 As for Sirius Black, you don't have to worry about me. I'll be ready for him when he comes.

 When you start your letters, you don't have to write 'Dear Harry Potter', you know. It can just be 'Dear Harry'.


Dear Harry,

 I think I like being able to just call you Harry. You seem like the type who wouldn't be comfortable with titles. Is that why you don't like being called The Boy Who Lived? I guess it is sort of long, isn't it?

 That was quite the Quidditch match yesterday. It was terrible of Draco Malfoy and his friends to dress up as Dementors like that. I hope they get real good punishment for it. It scares me a little to think I almost ended up in the same house as them.

 If you don't mind telling, what is like being able to defeat Voldemort again in your first year and the Basilisk last year? I never would have imagined Voldemort would be living on the back of Professor Quirrell's head. That would explain why he was always wearing the turban. And fighting a giant snake must have been frightening.


Dear D.M.,

 I have to say, since you pointed it out, it is a pretty long name, isn't it?

 I guess I don't mind telling you about Voldemort and the Basilisk if you're interested. In my first year, I found out about the Philosopher's Stone, and thought someone was going to steal it. I really just wanted to protect it. I wasn't expecting Quirrell and Voldemort to be behind it. To be honest, I really couldn't have done it without help from Ron and Hermione, my best friends.

 Last year was rough. Everyone thought I was the heir of Slytherin, and that I was the one petrifying everyone, even though Hermione was petrified, too. I really wouldn't have been able to get far with Ron and Hermione's help with that, too. They're actually really great friends.


Dear Harry,

 You're a very modest hero. It was nice to hear about your friends. They sound great.

 I hear the last Quidditch match is coming up soon. Good luck against Slytherin. I'll be cheering for you.


Dear Harry,

 You won! I watched the entire game from the stands, and it was brilliant! It's nice to see someone besides Slytherin win something for a change. Your friend Wood looked so happy, too. You guys are an amazing team.


Dear Harry,

 Are you okay? I haven't heard anything from you in a while. I know you must have been worried about Sirius Black, and that poor hippogriff. It's terrible what the Malfoys did, isn't it?

 But then I heard Buckbeak and Sirius Black both escaped. I wanted to write and ask if you're okay. I know you said not to worry and that you were ready for Black, but I wanted to make sure, anyway.

 Please write back soon.


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