Chapter Nine

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Dear Harry,

 Congratulations on the getting second place in the second task. You deserved it since you found what you were supposed to be looking for before the others, and then you rescued Fleur Delacour's sister.

 At this rate, you could very well win the Tournament. Just one more task to go!


Dear D.M.,

 Thanks for the congratulations. I still can't believe I was given second place, even though I came out last. Honestly, I'm just really glad it's over.

 The thought of winning the Tournament is nice, but I'm up against some really good competition. Besides, it's kind of difficult to be thinking about winning when I still don't know who put my name in the cup. I think there must be someone here at Hogwarts who wants to get rid of me, but I don't know who it could be.


Dear Harry,

 This sounds like it's a very serious situation. If you didn't put the name in the cup yourself, it means someone else put it in and made sure your name would come out with the others.

 You really need to think, Harry. Who here at Hogwarts would want to get rid of you? It's most likely that it was done by someone here at Hogwarts, and it could even have something to do with Voldemort.

 I know I've told you this before, but please be careful, Harry.



 The boy did not write to Harry again in the next few months. He knew Harry had to prepare himself for the third task in the Triwizard Tournament, and kept anymore thoughts to himself. Harry had plenty of friends to help him prepare. Maybe he could even find out who put his name in the Goblet of Fire.

 He had sinking feeling it really was something to do with Voldemort. What else could it be? He'd heard things, as he had written to Harry; the dark wizard was growing stronger. It was only a matter of time before he made a full return to the wizarding world to cause more terror and fear. If that was what was to be, it was best that Harry prepare himself the best he could.


Dear Harry,

 I heard what happened to you in the maze. I won't even ask if you're all right, because I know you aren't. I'm so sorry you had to Cedric die, and I'm sorry that Cedric died at all. He was a very well-liked student.

 I suppose it's true, then. Voldemort really did come back. They believe you, don't they? About his return? They'd be pretty stupid if they didn't.

 Please write back to me, Harry.


Dear Harry,

 This is going to be my last letter to you before we both go home for the summer, so I'll try to make it count.

 I think you were brave this year during the Triwizard Tournament. You didn't even put your name in the cup, and you were still one of the best champions. I'm so sorry things went so badly in the end.

 I know Voldemort coming back is going to change a lot of things for you. But I know how brave you are, and I think if it comes down to it, you will find a way to defeat him.

 If you ever want to write to me next year, you know where to leave your letters.



 Harry silently read the last letter on the Hogwarts Express.

 "Don't tell you aren't still writing to that person, Harry," said Hermione.

 Harry nodded. He didn't feel like talking.

 "They tell you anything useful?" asked Ron.

 Harry shook his head, and said nothing.

 On a different part of the train, in a different compartment, another boy stared out the window, watching the countryside zip by. He didn't know what would happen now that Voldemort was back, but he knew it wasn't anything good.

 Harry's life wasn't the only one that could change. Given who his own family was, the boy dreaded what could be coming their way.

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