Chapter 8

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Chapter Eight

"It's not fair!" Sam lashed out at the garbage can, sending it skittering across the parking lot.

Dean stood motionless only a few feet away, his arms crossed over his chest and eyes hard.

"There's no such thing as fair, ok?" He said calmly.

"I just want to be normal!"

Sam wasn't very large, but for the past two years John had been training him just as he had Dean. Already, he was far stronger than an average ten year old. The next thing he kicked was a stone. It was clear he'd meant it to follow the garbage can, but it flew wild and would having clipped the side of Dean's shoulder if Castiel hadn't caught it and tossed it harmlessly to the ground.

"Cas, talk some sense into him." Dean decreed then walked away in disgust.

"Yes, Dean." Castiel shook his head and turned to Sam, head tilted in silent inquiry.

"We're moving again." Sam groused, shoving his hands into his pocket. The coat no longer fits him, riding up to expose slender wrists. "I hate it. I was just starting to make friends and then bam! Off again."

"It is the nature of your father's profession."

"Yeah, exactly! Him and Dean! No one asks me what I want."

"Dean does, quite frequently. It is not his fault that he cannot change your father." Castiel met Sam's furious stare with his own. "Perhaps we can find a compromise."

"What kind of compromise?"

Castiel laid the idea out for Dean, watching the still expression on the boy's face. He no longer truly looked like a child. The last of Dean's baby fat had departed, leaving behind a strong jawline and broader shoulders. Like Sam, he had started to outgrow his clothes. Castiel's vessel had stretched as well, though as always his clothing shifted with the change. The body seemed spindlier than Dean's, all odd ends and angles instead of muscle and sinew.

"So it's like...commuting." Dean finally said.

"Yeah." Sam said softly. "Just like that."

"And you're ok with being his taxi?" Dean frowned. "What about when you're busy?"

"It's the work of seconds." Castiel shrugged. He'd tried Sam's whole body shrug and then Dean's barely there gesture, but ultimately found one that was something in between that suited him. "It will be more troublesome for you to keep up the charade with your father."

"That's easy." Dean snorted. "He doesn't check Sam's homework or anything. I usually register us at new schools now. Dad just signs the's doable."

"So can I?" Sam was all large eyes and sincere mouth. Castiel filed the expression away.

"....yeah." Dean sighed. "It's a really shitty idea and you're a huge nerd for wanting it, but...yeah."

"You're the best!" Sam threw himself at Dean, knocking them both to the floor in playful affection. They rolled over Castiel's feet, then dragged him down into battle.

It took two weeks before everything was in place. Sam's current school wouldn't do as his withdrawal papers had already been turned in. After some discussion, it was determined (by Dean) that a city school would be best so Sam could disappear in the crowds. It was decided (by Sam) that it should be in a really good district that had a soccer team. In the end, they settled on a mid sized school in a large suburb of Chicago. Castiel showed up on crisp October morning to meet Sam with his backpack a block away from their current hotel.

How (thanks to Gabriel) Dean and Castiel raised each other (and Sam)Where stories live. Discover now