Chapter 11

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Chapter Eleven

The meeting that Zachariah had called was important. Monumentally important most likely. Just like every other meeting he'd called for the last six months.

Hey, Cas. Sam's prayer reached him just as the speech was reaching it's second climatic point. Balthazar filled in another square of his Sudoku puzzle and Rachel was reciting Leviticus under her breath. Her lips moved just enough to give her away. I need you to pick me up early, ok? I'm in the nurse's office.

Castiel took an experimental step backward. No one so much as glanced over at him, all of them glazed over as Zachariah's hand gestures became broader. He moved slowly to the back of the crowd. When he was sure no one was paying him the slightest bit of attention, he took wing.

Their usual alleyway had gained the smell of urine. He took to the sidewalk quickly, crossing the few blocks to the high school. Sam had only started there a month ago and Castiel wasn't yet familiar with the students that hung around outside. He nodded to them anyway, aware that they eyed him far more warily than the middle schoolers had. Jimmy's body looked like a young man these days, but not quite yet adult enough for the automatic respect that came with age.

"My name is Castiel Winchester." He told the security guard. "I'm here to pick up my brother Sam from the nurse's office."

The guard whistled.

"That kid has one mean punch. You teach him that?"

"No." Castiel frowned. "Did he hurt someone?"

"No one that didn't deserve it." The guard pointed down the hall. "Everyone knows those jackasses have been gunning for him since day one."

"Not everyone." Castiel forced himself to keep to a measured human walk down the hall.

The nurse's door was open, revealing Sam slumped in one small plastic chair with a coldpack over one eye. The nurse, a square jawed young man with a scar streaking over his forehead, got up from his desk as soon as Castiel walked in the door.

"You're here for Sam?" He demanded.

"Yes. I'm Castiel Winchester." Dean had told him several times that he did not need to include his last name in introductions. Yet Dean looked pleased every time he did, so Castiel persisted. Even when Dean wasn't there. "Is he all right?"

"I'm fine." Sam groused, sinking lower in his chair. "It's just a black eye."

"And a whole medley of ugly bruising and a good gash on his right arm. Oh and his knuckles are torn to hell." The nurse glared at Sam, who subsided. "The principal should talk to you before you both go home. Is your father able to come in?"

"I told you he's working." Sam complained. "Big client."

"I'm afraid he is out of the country." Castiel shrugged. "I'm Sam's guardian until he returns."

"You can't be much older than he is." The nurse's eyes soften a little. "Is it just the two of you?"

"No, Dean is also home."

"Oh." The nurse blinked. "Oh! Your partner?"

"My other brother." Sam cut in, shooting Castiel an amused look.

"I see." The nurse seemed disappointed. "Well, you can take that ice pack, Sam. The principal's office is just down the hall. I'll call her, she'll be expecting you."

Sam got to his feet, holding the pack over his eye. He'd grown over the summer and he was nearly the same height as Castiel now. It was disconcerting. Castiel had already watched Dean grow taller of course, but Dean had always had a slightly larger body than Jimmy's more fragile one. Sam had been small as long as Castiel could remember. His sudden insistence on largeness was discomforting.

How (thanks to Gabriel) Dean and Castiel raised each other (and Sam)Where stories live. Discover now