12~Twitter /Harry&•Louis•/

13.7K 356 32

harrystyles: I have a surprise for you guys!

212K & 132K retweets

louist91: Shhhh you can't tell
username2: What?!?^
zaynmalik: Lou,tell me
louist91: @zaynmalik No you twat!
harrystyles: Louis be nice
username3: what is going on?^
username8: ^Right
niallhoran: I have came
zaynmalik: Who r u? @niallhoran?
liampayne: @zaynmalik Who R U?
username7: ^^ Haha they r all confused!
username17: What's the surprise?
username6: What?!!


louist91: Video coming soon!

59.2K likes & 46K retweets

harrystyles: You can't hide this forever
username3: C'mon Louis
username7: Tell us
zaynmalik: 👀
liampayne: What?
username: ????
username5: 🤔🤔🤔


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