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Me: Are you ok?!

Harry: No. I have to tell you the truth!

Me: what do you mean?

Harry: I'm not actually dating Taylor

Me: WHAT?!?

Harry: I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner,it's just that my management told me to and I can't really go against them

Me: Are you serious?!

Harry: Yes Lou,I would never lie to you

Me: well I mean...you kinda did...but that's not the point.

Harry: I'm bisexual,I like boys and girls,but I prefer boys more than girls

Me: Oh thank god!

Harry: what?

Me: I'm gay

Harry: Really?? I didn't know that

Me: it's ok,nobody really does. But I'm planning on making a video about it soon

Harry: Well I hope that your fans support you now matter what. Because I would

Me: thanks Harry

Me: I have to go. Zayn needs me,he wants to take pictures for my instagram

Harry: Ok so text me later

Me: ok bye Harry

Harry: call me Haz

Me: oh...ok :) bye Haz! xx
[read at 14:58 ]

This chapter was shit💀💀

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