15~ Snapchat •Louis•

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you sent harrystyles a snap

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harrystyles sent you a snap

harrystyles took a screenshotharrystyles sent you a snap

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harrystyles is typing...

harrystyles: So when are you coming to my concert?

Me: On the 29th

harrystyles: Maybe I can take you backstage

Me: Really?

harrystyles: Yea sure. I'm always bored backstage so why not

Me: Omg! Thank you!

harrystyles: You're welcome

harrystyles: I guess I'll see you on the 29th

Me: I guess you will

harrystyles: I have to go rehears for my concert tonight but I'll text you after m

Me: Ok

harrystyles: All the love. H xx

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