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I walked into Louis' room to see him watching TV. He looked so tiny in his hospital gown,I sighed heavily and walked over to the empty chair near Louis. Once I sat down, he looked at me with his gorgeous ocean blue eyes that I can just stare at all day.

"Louis" I said to him

"Yea Hazza?" He asked in a hoarse voice

"I need to talk to you for a second" I said

"What is it" He asked

I looked at him for second,I didn't want to tell him because he was already hurt enough. But I had to, if I wanted to keep him safe.

"We...have to break up" I said nervously, looking down at my feet

I could feel his eyes me,I looked up at him and saw the tears coming down his face. I frowned deeply, I knew this would hurt him! Why did I have to date Taylor in the first place! She's such a psychopath.

"Do... Do you not love me anymore?" He asked

"Baby, I do love you! Just let me explain" I said reaching out to hold his hand

He nodded

"Taylor,sent me a text and basically said if I don't break up with you, then she will continue to hurt you"I explained to him

I felt my eyes start to tear up. I put my hand over my face and started to cry. I felt Louis' hand run through my hair. I looked up at him again, he cupped my face and planted a kiss on my forehead and then on lips. I smiled softly

"This is only going to be temporary" I whispered to him

"I know,I'll always wait for you" He said

I nodded. We both smiled

"Now kiss me you fool" Louis said

I did as I was told and kiss him. He tasted like honey and smelled like flowers. My Louis is perfect...but he's no longer mine. We separated after we were done kissing,I looked into his eyes and smiled softly

"Well...um,I should get going" I said to him

"Yea...I'll see you around...bab-mate"

I nodded once again and walked towards the door. I didn't feel the same...I felt lonelier,emptier...sadder. I shouldn't have let him go...But I needed to keep him safe. I'll do anything to keep the man I love...safe

(A/N: Does anyone still read this book?! I don't think anyone does. Lmaoooo. aNyWaYs I'm soooo sorry for that! Sorry that I've been way for so long,I've just been busy with school and stuff but I'm back now! More chapters will be coming soon)

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