Parallel (Chapter 7)

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Chapter Seven
The Twilight Zone

Damn! Cooper had been driving around in circles. “Did I miss something? How are we here already?” Surely I would have noticed traveling into another dimension. The least he could have done is explain how it worked. He may have weaseled out of answering all my other questions, but this is definitely one conversation I intend to pursue at a later time. But first, I have to figure out where the hell I am.

Since we didn’t travel far, I immediately recognize my surroundings. Reading the street signs, I determine that we aren’t far from where Dominion House should be. Cooper continues down the street of one of the nicer neighborhoods in Alexandria. Now I know why everything looks so familiar. This is the same neighborhood I lived in during my stint with the Thornberry’s. Cooper hadn’t said, but I imagine my family must be pretty well off to be able to afford living in an area like this.

We pull up to the driveway of one of the prettiest homes I’ve ever seen. It’s even nicer than the Thornberry’s—from what I remember. Of course, I spent the last twelve years in foster care, so I don’t have a great frame of reference when it comes to real estate, but I think most would agree the house is striking in appearance. The house is a two story colonial, laid with intricate stone masonry. It even has its own gated entrance, guarding a circular driveway. The gate isn’t the kind that has an intercom to gain access, but the black cast iron gate is still pretty damn impressive.

Is this where I live? Cooper wasn’t kidding when he said my life in this universe is far better than the one I just left behind. Then again, any reality where I’m not foster kid is a big step-up for me.

“Sorry. Jumping realities is another lesson for another time.” Cooper kills the engine and climbs out of the Land Rover, while I continue to gawk at the house. “Look, I hate to say this, but you’re on your own for now. This is your home and now that you’ve jumped back, it’s like you never left.”

As we linger outside, an older looking woman pokes her head out of the front door and waves in my direction. She looks somewhat familiar, but I can’t quite place where I’ve seen her before. Since she seems to know who I am, my fear level goes down a notch. It’s still a little nerve wracking to be entering a house you’ve never been to—that’s supposedly your own—but at least the lady appears friendly enough.

“You’re on,” he announces, as if I’m the star in some kind of Broadway production. “Now that you’re back, no one will remember you were ever gone. Unfortunately, you still have the memories of being in the other reality,” he says, rushing his words. “So you’re just going to have to improvise.”

Panic sets in. “Wait! You’re just going to drop me off here?” For all I know, this is still some colossal joke at my expense. I didn’t actually witness our supposed inter-dimensional travel, so I’m not so sure that going inside a strange house is a particularly wise move on my part. Am I just supposed to take his word for it? “You can’t be serious.” It really isn’t a question. Just judging his expression tells me he’s dead serious.

Cooper gently guides me in the direction of the house. “Trust me, you’ll be fine. In fact, you might be surprised how similar this world is to the one you just left.”

Sure, except for living in expensive digs with people I don’t know.

“Remember, it’s your house too.”

Quit reading my mind.

He lets out a soft chuckle. “Sorry.”

I take a deep breath and take another look at the imposing house before me. I notice the woman has slipped back into the house, but she keeps the front door ajar—I take this as a welcoming sign and take solace in the fact that she knows who I am. Another deep breath fills my lungs as I make my way towards the house. Here goes nothing.

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