Parallel (Chapter 8)

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Chapter Eight
A Ride to School

“Etta, wake up!” I cautiously open one eye and see that it’s Jaime, nudging me out of a well deserved sleep. She keeps tugging on my arm. “You have to get ready for school.”

“I…what?” I forget where I am for a moment and wonder what Jaime is talking about. I can’t seem to shake the dream I was having. It was different than the other ones I’d been having the last couple of weeks. This one seemed even more real than before. I dreamt I’d been taken to another dimension and lived in a beautiful stone house. Even the sweet scent of the linens still lingers in the air. But it has to be a dream because Jaime is here, waking me up.

“Come on! Get up.” Jaime is starting to get annoying. It’s way too early to be so demanding.

“Alright, I’m up.” I sit up in bed and clean the gunk that’s itching the hell out of the corner of my eye.

I glance past Jaime’s shoulder and the room suddenly comes into focus. Everything that happened the day before comes flooding back and I realize it isn’t a dream. I scowl as Jaime tries to pry me out of bed. I almost ask her to pinch me to make sure all this is really real. It dawns on me for the first time that I’m now in the company of family and friends and I know I won’t be missed in the other world. There’s no one back there to miss me. Everyone that matters is right here.

“Maggie asked me to come wake you up. Now get dressed and let’s get some breakfast. You have fifteen minutes.” Jaime runs out of the room and leaves me to get ready.

I don’t know which is worse, having my best friend share a room with me, or having her live down the street and pop in whenever she feels like it. Mornings are definitely not my most shining hour, especially when I have someone nagging me to wake up.

Considering my upbringing, I was never much of a clothes horse, so I hope whatever waits for me in the closet is decent. Just because I’ve taken back this version of me, doesn’t mean I have the same sense of style. But my curiosity will have to wait a few minutes more until after I clean myself up, so I walk past the closet, resisting the urge to open it, and head straight for the shower.

Leave it to me not to notice it before, but my bathroom is en suite—I learned that term in school. My very own private bathroom! I do a little jig. I totally take advantage and indulge in a long hot shower. It’s nice not having to share a community bathroom or worry about using up all the hot water. I can get used to this kind of life.

After ten glorious minutes, I reluctantly step out of the shower and pad my way back into the bedroom to take a look at the closet. Taking a look inside, I’m disappointed to find row after row of dresses. Nothing fancy, just simple sundresses and one-piece jumpers. I hope this isn’t my everyday wear aside from school. Venturing further back, I spy a few pairs of jeans, a few dozen t-shirts, and some sweaters. I must have favored a more feminine touch in this world, but for now, I’m happy to don the school uniform I’m required to wear. All that’s left is to finger comb my hair and I’m all set.

Using the full-length mirror attached to the closet, I take a long hard look at my reflection staring back at me. The pleated khaki skirt and white polo shirt (complete with the school’s crest in the upper left corner), isn’t what I picture as far as private school uniform go, but at least it’s casual.

Jaime raps on the door. “Breakfast? Maggie went crazy again and made enough for an army,” she announces, making her way back into the hallway.

Does she spend all her time here? I’m grateful to have her around, but I don’t think I can take this type of abuse every morning. I quickly check my appearance one last time before tearing myself away from the mirror. I certainly don’t feel like the girl staring back at me in the private school uniform, but I guess this is my life now: new reality, new house, and new clothes.

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