Parallel (Chapter 13)

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Chapter Thirteen
One Feisty Girl

Once he had gotten well away from the Fleming residence, Cooper slammed his fists against the steering wheel. He hated this. Etta had a right to know everything, but he couldn’t bring himself to give her the answers she so desperately wanted to know. When he had conspired to bring Etta back, he had known their mission was the right one, but what he didn’t realize at the time was how hard it would be. At least for now, he knew she was safe.

The constant traveling between realities was beginning to wear his body out. While jumps were, for the most part, non-taxing, continuous traveling was slowly beginning to suck the energy out of him.

“That bad, huh? Don’t stress yourself out. You said it yourself, this is the only way,” his wife said as he entered the house.

He needed to learn how to cover his expressions better, only it was hard to keep his emotions in check around her. He wiped his shoes on the mat by the door and joined his wife in the living room, where she’d been working all morning. “You’re right. I just feel like the biggest jerk, dropping her off in a world she doesn’t know.”

“If it makes you feel any better, I absolve you of all perceived wrong doings, even if it’s for the right reasons,” she teased him.

When they had made the drastic decision to alter their reality, Cooper’s wife knew her husband would have the toughest job out of the two of them. As a high ranking official on the Council, she stood by the Council’s decision as a whole, but she could tell the assignment was taking a toll on her husband—both mentally and physically. In many ways, it wasn’t fair what she was asking him to do, but they had agreed early on that it was for the betterment of their world.

He laughed. “You’re not the one I’m worried about. Etta is one feisty girl.” Cooper related the morning’s events to his wife.

“Feistier than me? Should I be jealous?”

Cooper had moved in towards his wife and drew her closer to him. He nuzzled her neck and whispered in her ear. “You never have to worry about me, darlin’. I’d travel through all dimensions, hell and back even, to be together with you.”

After everything they’d been through, she knew in her heart that what he said was true. “I know.”

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