Chapter 1

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     I opened the door to my kitchen with ease. I walked all the way to the counter before I noticed that I had ripped it off it's hinges. Again. My parents were going to kill me if I didn't clean this up quickly. Allow me to explain. I am a seventeen year old boy that lives in Florida. My friends call me Max but my name is actually Tobias. I live a pretty normal life although I've never had a girl friend. Oh yeah! My parents and I are super human. There are actually a lot of super humans but you won't realize that because we hide. That is until an evil super human comes. That's right Superman and Spiderman do exist. They have been called upon by the council to- I'm getting ahead of myself aren't I? Where were we? The door? The door! I looked up a realized my parents were already in the kitchen.

"Again?" My dad was saying, "This is the fourth time this week and it's only Monday!"

"Sorry pops! Some of us are just to strong for their own good." I replied smiling "I really am sorry guys. I will clean it up right now mom."

"Don't worry about it kiddo!" She said as sweet as always, "After all it is your first day of school."

"First day of school?!" I shouted spitting out my orange juice. "How could I forget?! I gotta change! Thanks mom!"

"No problem sweetie!" She shouted up the stairs.

     In my room I instantly checked the time. I was going to be late! I quickly changed into a black fitted tee shirt and jeans. I brushed my teeth and grabbed my leather jacket on my way out the door. "Bye mom! Bye dad! I love you!" I shouted as I ran out the back door. The last thing I heard before I lifted off the ground was my mom yelling "No flying!"


     My flight to school was refreshing and I made it to school just in time for the first bell. I walked to my locker and placed what I needed to inside. I walked into my first class of the day late and was stuck sitting in the back of the class. I admit that I was a nerd and wanted to sit up front. There was an empty seat next to me so I kicked my feet up and made myself comfortable. The teacher droned on about how his class was going to work.

     About half way through the class a girl walks in and apologizes to the teacher for being late. The teacher nods her off and I know that I am about to have to get out of my comfy position. The girl walks my way and I move out of her seat for her. She sits down and begins taking notes on the teachers lecture.


     The rest of my school day was uneventful. I had most of my classes with the girl that walked in late to first period but I didn't talk to her and she just stared at me like I was some sort of convict all day. It was strange to be looked at as if I was evil. My family uses their powers for good. Not evil. But all the fly home I was thinking "Could I be evil? What if I was? What would my family think?" I decided that I would ask my mom.

     When I finally got home I noticed that both of my parents were gone. I went up to my room and sorted out papers that each of them needed to sign. I filled in as much as I could and then I face-planted into my bed. I sighed. I flipped over and started watching YouTube on my laptop. After about five o'clock I decided to make dinner for the family. I walked down into the kitchen taking notice of the door that lay against the wall. I began preparing spaghetti tacos and fixed the door as they cooked. My parents walked into the front door as soon as the kitchen timer went off.

"What smells so good?" Called my dad from the other room.

"Is that my sons famous Spaghetti Tacos?" called my psychic mother.

"Yes it is. And you guys are just in time!" I said walking into the dining room and setting down each plate. "There's more in the kitchen if you want seconds."

"We will!" said my parents simultaneously.

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