Chapter 6

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     As I pulled into the parking lot of Chuck E. Cheese I noticed that it was closed. Chasity pulled up and joined me at the door.

"How long until it opens?" she asked.

"About two hours. Are you hungry?" I asked.

     Her stomach growled as she opened her mouth to answer. I laughed and she blushed. It was nice to have a friend that I could laugh with.

"I'm gonna take that as a yes." I commented.

"Yeah," she said "I'm starving."

"Couldn't tell. Here, I'll drive us to the nearest Waffle House."

     We made our way to my car and I pulled out onto the highway.

"Thanks for being such a cool friend Max." said Chasity. "Where I come from I got ridiculed by everyone."

"Why?" I asked.

"My grandma is a lunatic and everybody in town knew me as her granddaughter. She would run around outside every Easter and criticize everybody's eggs for being to mainstream! It was crazy! That old lady was the fastest old lady I had ever seen. Sometimes she would go so fast that she would literally start to-" her voice trailed off.

"Literally start to what?" I asked.

"Well it's just that she moved so fast for an old lady that it seemed like she was flying." She said quickly.

     I stole a quick glance at my friends face and was amused to see that it was screwed up in an 'I-didn't-mean-to-say-that' way. I laughed.

"Can I ask you something strange?"I asked.

"Anything."she responded.

"You will truly understand this  if its true and I will know by your response. Do you have a super-family?"

     She looked at me with surprised eyes and then nodded slightly.

"Then why'd you just break the first rule of being a super you weirdo?!" I asked gently punching her arm.

     We pulled into the parking lot of the waffle house and Chasity got out first. Before she closed the door she peeked her head in.

"Technically, so did you!" She said sticking out her tongue and closing the door.

     We walked into the restaurant and I opened the door for Chasity. We sat at a booth next to a window and ordered practically the same thing, chocolate chip pancakes and a side of bacon. The only difference is that she ordered Diet Coke and I ordered Coke. We sat in the booth laughing and talking and seemed to be filling the entire joint with joy and good cheer. We talked about everything from our plans for today to her pet fish. By far, it was the best breakfast I had had in years.


     We were at Chuck E. Cheese when Chasity realized that we were planning on spending all day at a place designed for little kids.She looked me in the eyes and told me I was crazy for being such a little kid. I quickly defended myself by telling her that she was planning on staying. We played in the tubes for about three hours when we finally decided to test out our skills in basket ball. We collected our coins and made our way to the basketball game.

"You know, you really kinda suck at this." She laughed out.

"Hey! I have four points! That's great compared to your- to your twenty-eight." I said happily at first then quickly changing my attitude when I saw her score. "Okay? So maybe I'm not the best in basketball! But I will kick your butt when it comes to racing!"

"I'm sure!" she said sarcastically.

     We made our way to the street racing game only to find that it was occupied.

"Maybe next time!" She said cheerfully.

"Yeah, maybe." I said "But I think you planned that!"

"How would I have planned that?!" She defended.

"I don't know but you did! You were scared to loose to my awesome abilities!"

"Whatever." She retorted.

     We began walking around to find another game to play when I saw the picture sketching machine and dragged her over to it.

"I need a memory of my first time out with my best friend!" I said as I pulled her onto my lap so that our heads were level and we were both comfortable.

"Best friend?" she asked. "Since when?"

"Right now." I said as I pushed in the coins.


     After about six hours we got bored of reliving our childhoods and left. We decided to eat lunch together and had a picnic at the nearest park. After lunch we played on the park a little and I drove us both to a nearby thrift shop where we proceeded to mess around and I ended up buying her a very nice necklace, that she had her eye on the entire time, for her birthday. Oh how she will be surprised! We got her car and I decided that I would take her to see my favorite spot. We drove for miles down a long stretch of road and parked our cars in a bait and tackle shop parking lot. We got out of our cars and made our way through a thick wood. I led her to an unoccupied meadow and laid down.

"What is this place?" she asked.

"It's my thinkin' spot!" I replied cheerfully.

"Your what?" she asked with an amused look on her face.

"My thinkin' spot," I said "when I was little I used to fly here and just sit and think. I have a lot of these places hidden in plain sight but nobody seems to bother me when I'm thinking. I figured that it was about time to share one of my spots with a friend. So, here we are. My thinkin' spot."

"Oh. Well, It's beautiful." She said amazed.

     I just smiled and looked at the millions of stars. I could stay here forever. Just me, my friend, and the stars to know my secrets. I looked up and remembered something random. Something that A.C.D had said "You love the color blue." What was she talking about? I hated the color blue! My favorite color was green and everybody knew it!

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