Soft Eyes (Kaito Tenjo x F!Reader)

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Requested by: mightyfriend12


The dawn was an easy time for them. It's early enough to almost see the night. The pink mess that spilled onto the sky was amazing. (y/n) and Kaito could get lost in them forever. The countryside, with no flashing lights, nothing like that. It was just sunlight and grass. Fresh air surrounded them, every day all day. It was a dream come true, (y/n) loved it. She has a domestic life with her one and only. Her soulmate, Kaito became happy with this life. He no worries in the world, nothing couldn't bring him down. Nothing at all.

Kaito and (y/n) continued to stare up at the sky light. Seeing through this window gave them a whole new perspective. (y/n) and Kaito got to cuddle in one another's arms. (y/n) nuzzled him, she felt his soft eyes pour into her skin. He couldn't help but to stare at her. She was just as beautiful as the dawn, even more in his eyes. (y/n) then kissed his cheek. They continued to gaze upon the dawn. As the colors started to mix like watercolors, the sky was becoming a baby blue. Baby blue, almost the color of Haruto's hair. They indeed miss him but he's also living his own life. He's very happy.

(y/n) then sat up and kissed his lips. They shared a kiss then she pulled away. (y/n) got out of bed and left the bedroom. Kaito turned over with a sigh, he knew that she was going to make some breakfast. (y/n) went to the fridge and opened it. She grabbed the needed ingredients for the breakfast. (y/n) cracked the eggs and whisked them. She then made the batter for the pancakes. After she set them aside to warm up some milk. Hot chocolate would be nice for today.

Kaito finally came down when he smelled pancakes. (y/n) had two cups of hot coco ready for the both of them. Kaito took his and sipped from it. He made a relieved sigh and smiled. (y/n) chuckled, she continued to cook.

"Smells good?" She asked.

"Yes, always." Kaito smiled

(y/n) giggled, "You're too sweet... Like pancakes." She placed some batter on his nose.

He laughed and cleaned it off of his face. They shared another kiss. (y/n) pulled away to continue to cook. Kaito stood on the side, watching.

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