Youth? Broken (Yuto/Yuuto x F!Reader)

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Requested by: HappyXyz5

Angst below!


Tears stream down her face. As her hopes fells, her guts spilled. No words could escape her lips. Her own home destroyed and set for death. This wasteland was the only thing left. Her Mama, gone and her guts spilled. Her father was a quiet man, so of course he was no were. Siblings? Crushed with the anger from the Fusions. She was the only left. Her troubles clouded her brain and her eyes. Her hands shook with fear as more thoughts of destructions head into her brain. A rampaging of wild hungry animals fed on her fears, that only lead them breeding for more fears. Her fear became more advanced and terrifying.

It's almost as if (y/n) is just becoming delusional. Yet again, her youth was taken away so easily. Just a snap of the fingers, she has be an adult now. But she can't do that. (y/n) is still so young and she doesn't know how to do that many mature things. How will she fight for her life? She's only been graced with the best, yes things have gone wrong in her life. However (y/n) does not know the dog eat dog world. She doesn't know how to defend herself from criminals. She's in a state a vulnerability. She only knows how to gather the correct items to live.

Luckily, the Resistance is there. She joined them and kind of became the 'mother'. She got to see her old friends. Yuto and Shun, though the other female was missing. Sorrow came but she knew she'll be found.

On a dark night, rain and lightning came. Everyone was in a shelter and (y/n) cooked dinner. Nights like these made her cry. (y/n) remembers so vividly how her mother would cradle her when these storms came. That's how (y/n) began to embrace these nights. She still can't help but to cry. As she was stirring the soup, Yuto sat next to her. He shivered and rubbed his hands together. (y/n) gave him a quick look, then her attention went back to the food.

(y/n) hummed as the smells came together. Yuto was staring deep into the fire. He jumped a little once her heard the thunder. He shivered and closed his eyes, clinging onto himself. (y/n)'s eyes went to Yuto then back to the soup.

"Yuto." She gently spoke.

He hesitated, "Y-yeah?"

"It's okay, I know these nights are scary, but you're safe." (y/n) opened her arms.

The male smiled, he later down and used her leg to rest his head on. (y/n) smiled and ran her fingers through his hair. (y/n) snatched his cape and placed it over the male. She then kissed his forehead. Both of them felt safe.

Yu-Gi-Oh! x Reader (ALL SERIES) (BOOK: 2) [ENDED]Where stories live. Discover now