Part 1

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Have you ever wondered how much where you live affects you and how much your town is a part of you, whether you live in a town of four hundred or maybe four million people. No matter if you are in high school or college or even if that's where you bought your first house ten years ago and you never left because there are to many memories. I didn't realize how important my small town full of farmers and their families who had lived their for five or six generations, were to me until I had to leave my life that was finally going my way.

I love my family but they were the people that made me live in a small town for thirteen years of my life. I may not have had generations of farmers behind me like some kids around but living here since I was four until I seventeen had made me make a few attachments that I didn't want to leave.

Chloe had been my best friend since I moved to Washington. We had been partners in crime since we first met weather we were hiding in teachers rooms after school when no one was there or using our "good" reputation to sneak out of trouble. With her being the daughters of a teacher and one of our friends being the daughter of the principle we could get out of any trouble we got in.  In middle school our rebellious streak tended to be lying to our parents we were studying to hang out after school together or even having the occasional boyfriend for her, I was to scared to get up the nerve of telling the one guy I have ever liked that I might be slightly into him. In high school our rebellious streak was just her. She would make me drive her forty-five minutes to the mall so she could get at least twelve numbers by the end of the hour.

Along Chloe, I spent hours every day with Ella and Annie. Ella and I were both seniors this year, unlike Chloe and Annie who were juniors. Ella was a little on the calm side like me, however it wasn't because a bunch of people made her nervous, like me, it was having her parents adopt triples when she was twelve making her have to baby sit a bunch of toddlers daily. She always had to be responsible to keep hers sisters from causing havoc when she leaves with me to go to college at NYU all the way across the country. Ella had came to our town in third grade but we never became friends until sixth grade when you could hardly separate us. We never were as close together as Chloe and I were but we were still pretty close. Annie is the fourth person in our group she always has at least a boyfriend and was talking to five guys and as much I didn't want attention she loved it. There was never a time she didn't have drama but being her friend meant I knew what was going on in the school and not one of the people always asking what was happening. Staying out of drama with her though meant not dating a guy she knew because they would I have some sort of "history" and would mean being called a back stabbing friend. While I hadn't done it Ella made the mistake of dating a boy from our school Annie had a not so secret crush on. Ella hadn't known but as soon as she found out she broke it off with him to stay out of trouble, it may have been a little late since Annie found out but after one month she finally cooled off.

My senior year was not at all what I ever suspected to happen in fact instead of it being my year of saying good by to all of my memories it was a year of many surprises and a great hello to the next part of my life.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That was the first part of a story I have ever written for other people to read I hope you enjoy and tell me whether or not to update. Please leave a comment :)


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