Part 2

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Every year the weekend before the school year starts the Seniors throw a High School party that Freshman through Seniors are there. On the rare occasion Freshman are at  parties it is not a invite to come and have fun, yet they always think it is, it is rather for the amusement of others. Freshman are all so eager to fit in with at least one of the upper class men. My Freshman year I, along with my few friends, were some of the only people to not attend the party. My older sister, Emma, that year helped with a cruel joke that was to be pulled at the party, but all the Seniors helped. While it may have been wrong to let the Freshman think they were going to a party, I had told them not to go, a few days before the party, but hardly anyone of them knew or trusted me. The Freshman with older siblings that were Seniors are always luckier, a few of them actually went to the really party or were warned not to come, the others with really cruel siblings got in a lot of trouble.No other classes except for the Seniors knew what pranks were going to be played. My sister and I would trade secrets to stay away from trouble around school and it always worked. 

That night, when all the Freshman showed up at the party, at an abandoned house, they realized that not only know one was there but the the house was full of alcohol and cops. No one got arrested but all of their parents were notified. Not only did the parents find out but so did all the teachers and the principle. The whole first month of Freshman year was full of "The Dangers of Drinking and Partying." The whole year I kept my friends from going to the party they were invited to claiming, "The chance of them doing another Freshman prank was to great." I had to listen the whole year of them telling me I was hardly a Freshman,even if almost all the classes I  took were advanced and with the upper classes, I still considered myself to be a Freshman. My Freshman year was my last year of required math classes therefore I had math with the Juniors. I had taken all my high school history classes, except for one, in middle school. That was the worst though, a lot kids wanted my old work to copy off for their class to get an A. I had gotten high school band out of the way in middle school, when the teachers couldn't keep up with my classes, and I had taken Spanish all through middle school and during the summer, I had all three year done I needed for college done before I even went to high school. During my classes I had became gotten comfortable with some of the Sophomores and Juniors, but not just that I have always looked older than I was which made a few Sophomores ask me out. The weird part was always me telling them I was only fourteen and wasn't allowed to date.

When Freshman year ended my friends would go to the parties, while I stayed at home and studied. In the beginning, they tried so hard to get me to come but after they saw I wouldn't come they gave up. At the end of Freshman year they got me to one party but when we got there I only stayed out side to stay away from the beer and drunk teenagers. After my first sip of that nasty tasting beer , I never wanted to try it again. I tried to avoid all the parties I could. Nothing could get me to another party again, until my Senior year.

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