Part 3

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I have never understood why some people need to go to parties. What is the point of spending hours doing hair and makeup for a special somebody if they are just gonna get drunk and make out with some other guy you cannot stand? While I hadn't that happen to me the last time I went to a party, I've had to buy my friends many gallons of ice cream and gone through the speech about how they are not worth getting upset about.

Now here I am curling my friends hair, as I normally do for them when they want to impress their boy, except for this time I am going to tag along for the worst night of my life. Chloe with blonde beach waves that took so much more hair spray than my tight dark brown ringlets in my hair, Ella complaining about how her perfect hair will fall out if she dances, and Annie trying to fix her make up and will end up ruining it and make me do it again, it was almost like them going to another party without me, almost.

My stomach in knots, worried if I'll be an awkward loner or worse if someone won't stop talking to me no matter what I say to  them. What if they want to get me drunk. What if my mom finds out. What if...

"Snap out of it," Annie says. Easy for her to say she always has boys fawning for her attention, or so she says, she likes to exaggerated a lot, Chloe says she has about one or two boys hitting on her to say they have been with a girl who gets around. I have had a few boys try to talk to me but never anyone I was even remotely interested in being anything but strictly friends. 

"Snap out of what?" While I could get Annie to believe one out of every four lies I tell I can't keep anything from Chloe she knows all my secrets and Ella knows all the things about me that she cares about.

"Are you kidding me," Chloe says exasperated, " your probably worries about having to talk to someone wants to talk to you about something other than homework"

"Is Sophie finally get a boyfriend that she talks to and actually holds hands with, instead of ignoring him and telling him you want be be just friends?" Ella teases, but she is right though every guy who has talked to me that wasn't a complete moron I gave a chance. Most of my chances though were one week of texting them at home, avoiding them at school, and then finally telling them that I want to be just friends. In my yearbook from junior year they have quotes that high schoolers were known for saying, under my name is a quotes saying, "I want to be just friends." 

"Hey! Shut up!" I exclaimed. As blood rushed into my face, making me very thankful for my tanned face hiding my blush, my friends burst into laughter. Annie was laughing so hard she actually fell out of her chair causing them to laugh harder and me to join in with them.

"Damn it," Ella said as she checked her watch, "We need to go."

We all piled into me new car that I got for my seventeenth birthday, which was yesterday. For the whole thirty minute drive, Annie and Ella argued over the music. I knew it wouldn't matter if I told them they both had awful taste in music, ever since they found out I listen to classical music and old country music I knew they would tell me I have the strangest taste in music ever.

"Hey, you okay?" Chloe whispers concernedly.

"Yeah. Just nerves. I'm gonna be alright."

"Damn right you are!" Annie yells

As we turned into Emily's drive way there was already a fight between Ethan and his seventh girlfriend of the month. From all the rumors I have heard around school they got back together for the fifth time and are probably will end up hooking up by the end of the end. Why are on again off again relationships so damn dramatic, do they feel the need to cause a scene or do they have future plans for reality TV because I enjoy watching the unedited version it's more realistic. 

As we step out of the car I hear a few cat calls, really how hard is it to just talk to my friends. Chloe just ignores the whistle but Annie perks up right away and heads in the way the sound came from, looking for a guy to make Blake jealous tonight, but I knew those cat calls would never be for me, that was at least until one of the guys shouts, "Hey Chloe, who's your hot friend."

Whoa that's a first. I mean no matter how many times my friends or even teachers tell me how beautiful I am I never really believe it, there just being kind, right? I mean I not shield your eyes ugly, but how can deep brown eyes that seem to have no pupil and dark brown hair with a single lock of hair that is a reddish brown color matched with tanned olive skin look pretty, at least on me, there are plenty of other girls who can pull it off, but I think I am pretty average at best. 

I don't understand why he felt the need to say hi to Chloe if he's talking about me, I AM RIGHT HERE TALK TO MY FACE. I can hear what he is saying, just because he doesn't know who I am doesn't mean he can't talk to me. I am not that scary and I don't even come off as shy. I will never understand why a guy can't just come and talk to me. Luckily for him Chloe responded instead of me yelling at him, "She isn't interested in you Jake."

Ah yes the Jake Holcomb even one talks about I guess I should be honored that I am worthy of his praise. What do girls see in him and he isn't even that cute! Jake has always been popular since he started to play football. When I see guys on the football team who act like this I always wonder why I am a cheerleader. 

I was lost in thought until we entered Emily's house. Damn. I knew this house was huge, I've been here a bunch of times. Emily, Chloe, and I have been good friends for a while but when she got her boyfriends Chloe and I couldn't keep up with her. We never fought but we did drift apart in high school but isn't that how it goes for most everybody?

Her gorgeous house was filled with so many high schoolers  all getting drunk and dancing. There were girls hitting on guys and vice versa, saying whatever came to mind not caring what they said in their drunken state. No matter what happens to night I will not let anyone push me out of my comfort zone. No one.

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