Part 4

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Within half the half an hour we got there, Annie found a new boyfriend, Ella got in to an argument with some guy whether the Flash of the Arrow was better, and Chloe had just left me to talk to Josh.

Chloe and Josh had been dating since the county fair. They spent the whole week hanging out and flirting back and forth, even shared a kiss, til he asked her Friday. I had third wheeled basically all week, except when I was riding in the rodeo, til I finally just had to go find Ryan. 

Where is Ryan? I haven't seen him for a week, I was beginning to miss him. We have been friends since first grade. Eleven years later we still were good friends. Things did get a little awkward when he asked me out. I really did want to say yes, I have liked him for two years, but I didn't want to have to deal with all of the other girls competing for his attention.  

"Sorry," I mumbled as I ran into Tyler. He turned around to see the person who tripped over him. A smile was wide on his face when his eyes reached mine. He always looked perfect with sun bleached hair and apple green eyes but I always have preferred Ryan brown hair with light brown tips towards the front and ocean blue eyes that have never told me a lie.

"Hey, what are you doing here? This party doesn't seem like your type of place." Tyler had never been a top student and was constantly asking me for help with math. He never waste a moment to ask me where my book is. I mean, I know he is joking but all through middle school I had a book with me. By the end of the year I had fifteen book in my backpack. I have always been considered popular at our little school. I never understood why, maybe it was because I seemed to try less than people with F's, which is probably true. I never have came second to anyone in academics but I always have the least amount of effort. I have been told it will hurt me is the long run but if it ain't broke don't fix it. For some reason my seemingly chilly attitude towards people I am not comfortable with and my "good looks" that people always seem to bring up when I am around them. Not to forget my over confident confidence I seem to have every time I am  sarcastic.

"Every where I go is my place." See I don't know what happens but it always happens

"Ah I see your friends brought you here you have never came to a party. You are probably are with Ryan he is usually  never at these parties either and you two are so predictable," He says with great accuracy.

 Ryan is who I'm with during big blow out parties. We always just go to his place and watch the stars or watch a horror movie that always ends up with me curled up in his arms with my head resting on his shoulder. Another reason why I miss him was I tell him everything, except for the times I talk to Chloe about how cute he is.

"Wait Ryan is here! Where is he!" I squeal with excitement.

"Damn that is the most enthusiasm I have ever seen you show. If you like him that much just date him. You both like each other." He grumbles as if he has seen this too many times.

" I didn't ask for your opinion on who I should date and I really just want to see him." I replied annoyed and with a smack on the arm for good measure.

This seemed to work because he just pointed over to the area by the pool. I dashed over there in excitement to see my favorite guy in the earth. I swear my heart skipped a beat when I saw him.

As I reach him, his eyes flashed in annoyance as some girl tried to flirt with him. He has never been a guy who likes dramatic hair twirls but someone must have forgot to tell her that because see was just pissing him off. I was just about to say hi when Ethan walked up.

"Hey Sophie. How is it going?" Ryan's head snapped up at the mention of my name, he didn't even smile until he saw me. That damn grin gets me every time. He started my way but I motioned him to stop until I could blow off Ethan. Then I could talk to him without having to worry about what I said.

"Good but I really have to go I will talk to you later," I almost forgot his thing he has for Ella, almost, "Ella is on the couch if you are looking for her. She needs a break from superheroes for a bit."

"No one should ever have a break with superheroes!" Reminding me why they are such a cute couple.

With that I walked up to Ryan. If he is by my side tonight then I might actually enjoy myself.


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Sorry life has been a little bit hectic and it took me forever to upload.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2017 ⏰

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