Ben smut

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This is dedicated to azalyssa12 thanks for the request 🙂

Dagger pov:
Hello I'm Dagger daughter of Ursula yes my sister is Uma who's still on the Isle of the lost with her boyfriend Harry

I growled at the snobby princesses which made them run I chuckled

Everyone is afraid of me except Mal and her friends..... And Ben the king

Ben makes me so weak inside yes I have a crush on my enemy

I always almost jump on him wanting him inside of me and be close to me

Mal and the VKs are other villain kids who was sent here with me

I walked down the empty hall when I hear " are you supposed to be in class?" The king asked I smirked

" Nope I'm a villain I don't need class" I sassed he smiled " villains need love too " Ben whispered I gasped " w-what!" I stuttered for the first time in my life

" I know you have a crush on me Dagger .... sorry to change the subject but what's your real name ?" He asked I glare

I hate my name!!! " none of your business " I growled he chuckled

" Would it be crazy if I said I love you too " Ben said with his beautiful eyes on me

I blush " y-you do?" I asked shyly he nods and leans in

I lean in to him to return the kiss we pulled back when we hear the hall keeper who writes tickets to kids who skip class

I grabbed Bens hand and ran into my dorm I sighed I hate that guy his name is Doug

I smirked to see Ben looking at my butt " you like the view?" I asked he blush " sorry inappropriate of me " he said

" You need to learn to be a villain sometimes " I said then I begin to sing chill like a villain

He smiled mischievous at me " I get it Dag" Ben said using my nickname

I couldn't help it I tackled him to the floor kissing him

I been waiting for this since Mal spelled him to love her I was so heartbroken

I stopped kissing him I can't do this!! I'm a virgin

I looked him in the eye all I see is love I sighed " you sure?" I asked nervous Ben must of sense it

He nodded " I'm a virgin Benny  " I whispered he sighed " I'll be gentle " he whispered

I nod and slowly lean in to kiss him I'm counting this as our second kiss ever

We start to kiss slowly I was pulled in to his lap " I will treat you like a queen love" he said kissing my neck

I moan quietly this is wrong! I'm a virgin and about to have sex with the king!!!! We start taking off our clothes

I covered myself " no don't you're beautiful I would of banged you if I knew you liked me " he said I blushed

" You just made it weird " I said he smirked

He laid me on our bed as he took off his pants and underwear

I gasp " holy shit!! That's huge how is that going to fit ?" I asked he smirked with pride

" it will trust me " he said climbing to me " close your eyes darling " he whispered

I closed my eyes worried when I felt something wet on my clit

I gasped to see him licking me I moan as he growled

Showing his teeth he slowly bite my rib case

I pant this is so wrong " you know when I Mal turn the love potion off of me all I thought was you " he said " I know" I said rolling my eyes

He sighed " you ready this is going to hurt " he said I nodded

He got on me with his arms above my head and my legs was around his waist

He thrusted in fast I screamed I gasped of pain tears came down my cheeks

" Shhh" he comfort me and kiss me feverishly

I pulled back " I'm ok" I said feeling pleasure

I moan as he started going faster " fuck!!! Ben" I exclaimed grabbing his back

" Agh!! Damn" he yelled I feel me close I see his is close too

" BEN!!!!!" I screamed biting into his neck " Dagger!!!!" He yelled also kissing  into my neck

I pant as he laid next to me " I love you Dag " he said cuddling into me

" I love you too Ben " I said getting sleepy

" Lets go to sleep love" he said closing our eyes

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