Jay x reader x Carlos

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Mione pov:
I walked up the long and spiral stair to my  private dorm  since i  told  Ben I didn't want a roommate;  I  got my  own rooms, one bedroom, bathroom, a small kitchen, a box study and liveable lounge

I  loved my  rooms I had decorated herself with Lonnie's  help. My bedroom was black and red; very romantic and sexy, my living room brown and cream with light oak furniture, my bathroom black and white.

I reached the door and ran my hand over the dark wood door and mumbled " shit"

I  walked into the hallway and shut the door behind me; I removed my  black dress and hung it up on the hook.I then stalked to the sofa and dropped down.

I felt terrible; all day I had been fighting the feeling of throwing up

I felt hot one minute and then cold the next; I was sick I  hated being ill

I wasn't good when she was ill I'm so horrible when sick especially when I was in the Isle

I snapped at everyone, was most unhappy and hated lying in bed with nothing to do.

I kicked off my blue highs and laid down on my cream sofa and pulled the brown throw over me

I snuggled up in the warmth and shut my eyes feeling darkness

I slowly was  woken by two deep voices in my living room.

"She feels hot"  One gentle voice said as I  felt a hand on my head checking my temperature.

"She looks positively pale"The other deep voice said as I felt him sit down on the bottom of the sofa and put my feet in his lap.

I coughed and opened my eyes to find a pair of  brown eyes staring back at her.

" Jay"  I said softly since I had a headache

"How long have you felt unwell?" he said as he bent down to me and held one of my hands Jays hands felt so good and cool against my warm hands

"Since mid-morning" I said drowsily

"Why didn't you tell one of us?"the blonde male said from the end of the sofa.

"Carlos" I  said as I  looked  to him. "I struggled through the day, it's only flu" I  said as I wiggled my toes.

"You should have let me know, i  could have given you medication to stop the sickness of the worse, now you are ill and we'll be cautioned to bed all weekend" Carlos said as I grabbed my wiggling toes.

"Mmm, sorry" I mumbled as I closed my eyes feeling sleepy again.

When I next woke I was no longer on my sofa but in a bed; a huge, soft, comfortable bed. Jays bed.

I stretched out and yawned then looked around for Jay or Carlos. It wasn't uncommon for me to bed in Carlos bed or Jays for that matter

You see, I was not only in a relationship with Jay but also Carlos. The three of us, we were one.

It had started when I arrived with some villains because King Ben invited us .  I then seen Jay and Carlos where Ben introduced us

I was relaxing in my room when the boys knocked on my door wanting dinner with me so I agreed we went together and got terribly drunk

I then admitted my fantasy of sleeping with both the brown hair man and the blonde haired man

Both were elated with the my confession and decided they would court me if i allowed which I did and nearly a year down the line we are still together.

I stood from the bed and walked out of the bedroom to find my two men sat on separate arm chairs playing video games

I coughed a little to make them notice I was in the room ; Both put down their remotes and looked towards me.

"Feeling any better?" Carlos asked  from the three seat couch in their dorm

I shook my head and made my way to Carlos. I dropped down next to him and snuggled into his warmth.

" Do you want a medicine ?" Jay said as he watched me cuddle into Carlos who was kissing my head softly.

"No, they make me worst" I whined .

"Are you hungry?" Carlos asked I sighed

"No" I replied as I closed my eyes.

" You should eat something Mione" Carlos  said as he got up from his spot and walked to the kitchen.

"Tell him I'm fine" I  said to Jay as I looked up at my brown mate.

"No can do, you need to eat" he said as he cuddled  into me rubbing my arm soothingly.

So I did. I sat beside them both and ate chicken soup. After eating I took a bath in my boys  huge bath and then returned back to the magnificent bed.

The bed had especially been made so three could sleep comfortably although when they were all in bed together, both Jay and Carlos slept mere centimetres away from me; always touching me when I slept.

"Take this" Jay said as he handed me a black liquid in a bottle ; it looks gross

'Jayyy.' I moaned I hate when they play doctors because I hate that taste of medicine

'Take it.' He said sternly and I did in one swig. " Thank you" I said pouting

"Will you lie beside me?" I asked wanting cuddles

" yes my love" He said as he placed the empty potion bottle on a table

"Where is Carlos?" I asked.

" With Mal and Evie probably Jane too " Jay replied as he pulled me to his now bare chest

I frowned feeling jealous but not caring because I feel so nauseous " do you even listen to what Carlos says , because the word probably is you not listening " I said

"I don't listen unless its deals with you" he said kissing my head " now sleep" Jay said laying down

"Love you Jay" I mumbled as I fell asleep on his chest.

" love you too Mione, as does Carlos.' He replied.

"Mmm, Carlos too" I mumbled.

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