Harry Hook Smut 2

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Y/n pov:
Hello I'm y/n daughter of Gaia , the earth goddess

I have the power to control the weather and earth which I got from my mother I don't know my father because he left me and my mom

My mom couldn't stay with me because she's a goddess and belongs in the sky

Anyway I been feeling very weird since Gil , Uma and Harry ( villain kids from the Isle of the lost) arrived at Auradon

I been all nervous and shaking around Harry  Hook my crush I remember telling him about liking him

My heart is thumping faster and faster as I walk up to Harry " um Harry can I talk with you alone " I said shyly he smiled nodding " bye guys" Harry said to Jay and Carlos

We walked into an empty hallway " so what's up lass?" He asked in his sexy accent

I sighed " Harry don't be mad but ..... I like you very much ... more than a friend " I said blushing

He gasped and then smiled " good!! I like you too y/n!!! Well actually I love you " Harry said as his Hook caress my cheek

I blush " I love how your eyes sparkle as you laugh , your gorgeous black hair swinging as you walk , and how you can speak so gently to anyone " he said I fucking swooned !!!!

" Y/n Gaia why you be my girl?" He asked I nodded and kissed him passionately

I smiled making the weather brighter I giggled it's so funny how the weather change with my emotions

I walked up to Uma and Gil " hey guys do you know where's Harry?" I asked my best friends Gil shook his head as he stuffed his face with food

" I think he went to the history room" Gil mumbled with food flying I sighed as Uma groan

" Bye guys!!" I exclaimed rushing to the history room to see my boyfriend

I opened the door to see...... Harry kissing another girl!!! I ran away hearing my name being called

I sobbed as I sat on my favorite place that has a full view of the palace I sobbed and sobbed

The weather got bad it rained and lightening very badly I just want someone to pay for my heartbreak

When Carlos , Ben , Mal and Evie ran towards me panicked and horror on their faces

" Y/N!!!! Stop and calm yourself!" Ben exclaimed worried they all knew about my powers and was scared of it

I didn't listen after a while Harry ran to me the others left

I stand up " you fucking cheater!!!" I yelled with tears on my face " No lov-" Harry started but I just slapped him as the storm got worse

" I Hate you Hook I regret meeting you!" I screamed he got angry " don't you dare say that!!" He exclaimed I flipped him on his back

" Go back to your slut!!" I screamed tired because I'm using too much power

Harry got up and kissed me on my lips hard I stopped as the storm stopped a little

We pulled apart " love that girl was trying to break us apart " he explained I sighed I overreact badly

I collapsed but Harry caught me before I fell " I'm so so so sorry Harry!" I sobbed

He smiled " someone was jealous " he sang I growled throwing a lightning bolt at him

Harry got out of the way before it hit him I sighed as we walk to my room I'm exhausted

We arrived at the dorm which my roommate isn't here probably because she's with Carlos her name is Jane

I walked to my closet and changed to warmer clothes because I was wet from the storm I made

I turn to see Harry looking at me with lush and he had a big boner I smirked

" You like what you saw " I asked he nod I walked to him and grab him by the belt

" I will help you captain " I said seductive he growled I landed on my bed as Harry kiss my neck feverishly

I'm going to have a lot of hickeys tomorrow I mentally groan

I grabbed his crouch and rubbed he groan I slide off his jacket I giggled Harry's hair is so crazy like always

He winked as we undressed I stand up " huh? Where you going babe?" Harry asked I smirked as I get on my knees

He gasped knowing what's up I put his big member in my mouth he moan grabbing the back of my head

I got back and forth pleasuring him I grab his balls feeling them tighten

He came in my mouth and looked so shocked at my actions

I crawled on his body " I need you now!!" I whined he nod placing his hands in my thighs as I lowered myself

I moan feeling him stretching me it's been too long since we made love

I began slowly bouncing up and down Harry sat up on the headboard, moaning

He grabs my waist gently and pulls me closer as he laid his head on my shoulder moaning

I gasp of pleasure I clawed his back with my nails almost close " Daddy I'm coming!!" I exclaimed as I felt the wave of pleasure

Harry thrusted hard in me then we both screamed out each other's names I collapsed on his abs

" I'm sorry about almost throwing a lightning bolt at you hon" I said he chuckled " it's ok babe just come to me when your upset " Harry said cuddling into me I sighed feeling asleep next to Harry

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