Chapter 3

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They don't know it yet but it's a date. Just watch.


Junmyeon's POV


"Do I look okay?" I asked Yixing for the hundreth time, fixing my hair in the mirror. He rolled his eyes at me. "I have to look good," I told him. "Even if this is just casual, I have to look nice." Yixing sidled up behind me, fixing the collar of my shirt.

"You look fine Junnie," he said in the calmest voice he could possibly manage. "He's going to love you. He'd love you if you showed up in sweatpants and an oversized sweater as well. You're hard not to love." I swallowed hard, looking at my reflection in the mirror. A very nervous looking boy greeted me back. "What is it about this particular boy that's any different then when you go out with any of your other friends?" Yixing suddenly asked me. I tensed.

"I...I don't know," I admitted. "He just seems...special. He's also hurting. I don't want to hurt him farther." Yixing stood between me and the mirror. I looked down at my shoes. "What if I do?" I asked.

"Junnie, you are not anything like your father," he said. He must have the patience of a saint. "You are not going to be anything like him. Do you like this boy?" I bit my lip, then nodded. "That's already leaps and bounds ahead of anyone previous. You've never allowed yourself to admit something like that. So if you like him, even to a small degree, whether it be romantic or not, do not under any circumstances let how your father acted control how you act. Not that you ever would." He gently tilted my chin up so we were face to face. "I have so much more faith in you than that."

"Thanks Yixing," I said again, fixing my hair again when he pulled away. I also readjusted my tie. "What would I ever do without you?"

"Dunno Junnie," he replied. "Probably starve. Maybe look a lot less fashionable." I cracked a smile, and my reflection smiled as well. "There we go," he said. "You always look so much prettier when you smile. Why don't you do it more often?" I lifted one shoulder in a shrug.

"Life hasn't really given me much to smile about," I said. "But I'm hoping that changes tonight. There's something really special about Sehun. I can't place my finger on what, but I can sense that there is. Maybe I've found somebody?" I looked to Yixing for guidance like I'd done so many times in the past. He just stared down at me, pursing his lips thoughtfully.

"If you think so, then don't let anything stop you," he said at last. "I can tell you really like this boy, at least more than any of the others. Whatever your heart is telling you, do it." I turned to my reflection once again, studying myself. What was my heart saying? Well, it was saying I wanted to go out and have a good time with my new friend, see where this goes, and if I decided I liked him well enough, maybe look for something a little more than friendship. I would be lying if I'd said I didn't want it, at least to some small degree.

I fixed myself up again, catching Yixing's reassuring smile in the mirror. I smiled back, feeling the first little tingles of nerves. Oh god how would watching a movie with Sehun go? He wouldn't talk, that was for sure. He hardly talked regardless. What if he didn't talk at all? Oh good I was no good at small talk. What the hell would I say to him? What if he didn't have a good time? What if he stopped talking to me altogether?

"Okay, breathe," Yixing suddenly said. I did so. "Don't you dare overreact before anything even happens. You'll be fine. He'll have fun. You are a fun person to be around." God I sure hoped so Yixing.


Sehun's POV


I combed my hair for the tenth time in five minutes, playing with the comb afterwards. I was nervous. Incredibly nervous. Junmyeon was going to be here any minute to pick me up, and I was starting to feel the affects. Baekhyun bounced on my bed, looking so incredibly happy. I told no one to come over today, but the little shit broke into my house with a chopstick (don't ask) and plopped himself on my bed, saying he wanted to watch me get ready.

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