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So it's finally time for the epilogue. I wasn't sure how long this was going to be, but this seems like a good place to leave off.


Sehun's POV


~3 Years Later~

I dropped my bag on the small table by the door, stifling a yawn. University was long, yet it was necessary. I removed my coat and hung it on the designated hook. I then made my way to the kitchen, lured by the smells wafting from it.

"Hello Hunnie," Junmyeon said, turning from the stove. I pecked his cheek, making my way to the fridge to grab something to drink. "How are classes going?" he asked.

"Good," I replied, grabbing a bottle of water out of the fridge. I quietly closed it. I turned to study my boyfriend, a smile playing on my lips. Hard to believe it was nearly three full years that we'd known each other. That three years ago both of our lives would change. I snuck up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. "I love you," I whispered.

"I love you too," he said without hesitation. I smiled. It took him a long time to be comfortable saying that. But we were both patient. A change wasn't going to happen overnight. And it made the first time he said it with full conviction all the sweeter. "So much." He tilted his head to face me, and I stole a kiss from him. He smiled his signature smile, the one I fell in love with every time I saw it. "You have no regrets?" he asked.

"None," I answered. This was another thing that was taking awhile. But what we had was well worth answering this question over and over. "If I had to rewind time and do it over again, I'd still pick you." His smile was back. Damn did I love his smile. A quiet knock on the door, however, brought me back to reality. "I'll get it," I said, kissing his temple and releasing him. I strode to the door and threw it open. Luhan smiled at me.

"Hey Sehun," he greeted. I smiled warmly, stepping aside so he could enter. "Hey Junmyeon," he called into the kitchen. He set his small dish on the table.

"Hey Luhan," Junmyeon said, sticking his head out of the doorway. "Right on time, as per usual. Dinner isn't quite done yet, so of you wanna wash up, feel free." Luhan turned to me.

"Come with?" he asked. I nodded, trailing behind him to the bathroom. I leaned against the wall by the door as he washed his hands. "Looks like the move went well," Luhan said.

"Yes, it did," I agreed. About a month ago, Junmyeon and I began to move into a bigger apartment. It took longer than we both expected, but we were both happy. It was a lot closer to my university, and a lot closer to his job. It benefitted us both. It also had two bedrooms, so if we had guests, they were no longer forced to sleep on the couch. "It was a bit stressful though. The first week we fought a lot as were attempting to find room for, and unpack, everything."

"And yet here you are," Luhan said. He turned to me at last. He gently cupped my chin in his hands. I let him. He was an affectionate type. "I'm so proud of how far you've come Sehun," he said at last, and my heart swelled for him. In addition to gaining Junmyeon in my life, I'd found my best friend as well. "Are the others coming?" he asked, dropping his hands away.

"Kyungsoo and Jongin had a business trip, so they're out of the city tonight," I replied as we picked our way back to the living room. We both sat down, and Junmyeon came in with two teacups. He handed one to each of us. "Do you want help preparing dinner?" I asked him. He kissed my forehead.

"It's almost done, so no, but thank you for the offer," he said warmly. "You relax and enjoy some time with your friends." And with that he walked briskly back to the kitchen, probably overseeing the final meal preparations. I turned to Luhan again, who had this wistful sort of smile on his face. I often wondered if he was as happy as he claimed to be. I also often wondered how much he regretted the decisions he'd made in the past.

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