Chapter 7

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Rolling right in to chapter seven here we go.


Sehun's POV


I could deal with Junmyeon not answering my calls. I could deal with him not responding or reading my texts. I could even deal with him not being around all weekend (which about drove me to tears I was so bored). The final straw was when seven came around on Monday and he'd blown off our date.

I had a little hope that maybe we'd keep our word and still go out, so at six I started getting ready. I showered and put on a nice outfit. I brushed my teeth. And then I sat in the living room, quietly watching TV and the door. I'd occasionally check the time. Before I knew it seven had come and went, and there was still no sign of him.

I think I finally gave up somewhere around eight thirty.

"Aww Hunnie," I heard above me. I felt a hand on my back. Baekhyun must've gotten my text. "Guys give him some space." I looked up, and was shocked to see all of my friends. Chanyeol. Baekhyun. Jongin. Kyungsoo. Even Minseok and Jongdae were here. And everyone looked worried. "I'm sure something just came up." He turned a piercing gaze to the two University students among us. "Right?"

"We don't know," Minseok said. "We haven't seen him all weekend. I've tried going over to their apartment, but Yixing just says he's there, he's eating, and he doesn't want visitors. So we know he's alive." I buried my face in my pillow again.

"Did he go to his classes today?" Kyungsoo asked. My bed groaned as someone sat beside me.

"I don't think so," Jongdae answered this time. "I didn't see him wandering around campus anyway. Sometimes I do between classes." I let that sink in. He was sad. Incredibly sad. And he was skipping classes because of that fact. I promptly burst into tears.

"Oh Hunnie," Baekhyun cooed. "No, no, it's alright sweetie." Everyone else was silent. Then again Baekhyun was usually the one who provided comfort for me. "Alright guys, I don't know about you, but I don't like seeing our little baby sad." A general chorus of no's followed that statement. "So we need to figure something out." More people crowded onto my bed, so I sat up. Soon we were all sitting in a half hazard circle.

"So you want things to work out between you and Junmyeon?' Jongdae asked. I sometimes forgot they were left out of the loop because of the fact they were at university right now. "I think he wanted to try things with you. He hunted us down Friday and asked a whole bunch of questions about you, like what your favorite kinds of snacks were and what kinds of things interested you." I just nodded. What else was I suppose to do? "What happened after that."

"He went back to his apartment and commanded Yixing to help him bake cookies," I replied. "He picked me up from school and presented me with them, saying how he wouldn't let Yixing eat any himself." I chuckled lightly, thinking back to that. Thinking back to the proud smile on his face. "They were good too," I added. "They could rival Kyungsoo's." He shot me an annoyed look, and Jongin placed a hand over his, hiding a grin of his own. "This doesn't really help me though," I said to them. "We kind of have a different problem going on."

"Right," Baekhyun agreed. "So you guys know Junmyeon the best. What should we do?" Minseok and Jongdae shared a look. It lasted awhile, which meant they probably had an entire conversation with their eyes. Minseok smirked and sat back as Jongdae shot his boyfriend a look. He sighed.

"We don't really know all that much about him," he began, and my spirits sank. "Yixing's told us several things though. There's something you really should know about him. It kind of relates to why he doesn't date. Even though he and Yixing dated." I opened my mouth, but Jongdae held up a hand. "I have no idea what happened Sehun, so I wouldn't even ask. No, Junmyeon has a very hard time with the concept of love. Yixing didn't say outright, but it was heavily implied his dad fucked up his view on love. Apparently there was a lot of shit between his mom and dad, and he was pretty much right in the middle of it, witnessing everything first hand. He'd see every woman his dad slept with that wasn't his mom. He'd see a side of love so ugly it really shouldn't exist. Yixing did say Junmyeon never wanted to turn into the monster his dad was, so he swore to himself he'd never fall in love."

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