Chapter 6

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To be perfectly honest I no longer know how long this is going to be with everything I have planned.


Sehun's POV


I opened my eyes and yawned, stretching my arms above my head. I studied Junmyeon for a few moments, taking in his disheveled appearance and the very obvious tear tracks on his face. I frowned. He'd cried in the middle of night. Why? Was he unhappy here? I doubted that. He seemed very happy to be here last night, when he was conscious.

I decided to just let him sleep, instead rising and grabbing some clothes out of my dresser. I went to bathroom and changed. I also used the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I hummed as I went, something I hadn't done in quite some time. I set my toothbrush aside and made my way downstairs. But the sight that greeted me had me wanting to run right back to my room and never come out again.

"Sehun!" mom said brightly. "Look who dropped by for a visit today." I simply stared, feeling like I would be sick. Luhan waved, smiling sheepishly. "Isn't this wonderful?" mom asked, patting his cheek affectionately. "We've missed you around here dear. I know Sehun has." Mom, no, stop. Luhan turned to me, that thousand watt smile going full force.

He looked so much like how I last saw him, except he was blonde now. That same smile stared back at me. Those same amused eyes shone with laughter and love. Everything about him was so familiar, yet at the same time it was like looking at a stranger. I didn't know this current Luhan. Also, how dare he show up at my house when I said I didn't want to see him. And yet I couldn't pull away. He was drawing me in all over again.

"Sehun?" A sleepy voice asked up the stairs. I glanced over my shoulder as Junmyeon emerged from my room. "What's going on?" he asked, rubbing the last of the sleep from his eyes.

"Nothing Junnie," I said. "Go change and come down and we can have breakfast together." He smiled and moved off. I turned my attention to Luhan, who was no longer smiling. "You can stay," I said to him. "But that does not mean Junmyeon has to leave. I'm not kicking him out."

"Baby please," he said quietly, rising and padding up to me. "I know what I did was wrong. I know I hurt you. But please, can't we try again? I miss you so, so much. It's killing me not being able to see you." I swallowed hard. I always told myself that if this happened, I'd take him back in a heartbeat, no second thoughts whatsoever. But something about it just seemed so wrong about it.

"Sehun, are you..." I heard behind me. I looked over my shoulder again. Junmyeon stood in the doorway, a look of complete, unmasked sadness on his face. "I should just leave," he said at last, turning away. "You seem busy anyway."

"Junnie, wait," I said, and he paused. He didn't turn to look at me, but he did stop. My heart slammed against my ribs. "Don't go," I said softly. "I owe you breakfast remember." But still he stood, not looking at me. My heart sank. "Please Junmyeon, don't go," I said. But he went up to my room, returning a moment later with his things. He quietly left, much like how he'd come. "Junmyeon..."

"Good," Luhan said, wrapping his arms around my waist. "Now we can talk alone." I barely paid him a lick of attention. It did register that he held me again, something I wanted. But even with that, all I could think about was Junmyeon.


Junmyeon's POV


"Oh honey," Yixing said, rubbing soothing circles on my back. "I'm sure it's not what it seems. He wanted you to stay, right?" I sniffed and nodded. I wanted to cry, but to my own annoyance, no tears would come. Probably a side affect from bottling up my emotions for so long. "Come on Junnie it's not like you to act this way over a boy," Yixing said. "Not since..." He paused. I looked up, noticing the conflicting emotions on his face.

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