Stevie Weber • Age 26 • Leo

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Name (& pronunciation): Stevie Leon Weber
Date of Birth (& age): 26 years old, born August 9th, 1991
Place of Birth: Cumberland, Maryland
Gender: male
Species/Racial Origin: American with little Italian/Filipino heritage
Social Class/Community Status: middle class, makes average income of $66,018 a year
Language: English
Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: parents, older brother, older sister, 3 nephews, 1 niece, and a pet cat, Prince

Physical Description

Height: 5'7" (170.18 cm.)
Weight: 139 lb. (63.05 kg)
Hair: naturally curly undercut, dark brown
Eyes: brown
Detailed Physical Description: Stevie was one of curiosity in both his mind and appearance. He was feminine with a certain softness about him, but had the rigidness of masculinity pinched into his appearance. Of course, being a stylist would do so to you. You can tell from one glance; he knows fashion. But that doesn't go to say that he doesn't look casual. In some odd way, he does. Even in a suit. With soft curls and glasses to hide his sun-kissed skin from time to time, there is no doubt Stevie Weber is attractive. Yet it was a hidden beauty, behind cynical speech and pessimism in his eyes as he looked out onto the world.
Typical Clothing/Equipment: has a vintage/hipster but classic and clean style about him. Typically turtlenecks and sweaters in colder weather, but vintage tee's in warm weather. Enjoys comfortable pants rather than jeans more often than not. Has 2 ear piercings, but usually wears studs. Typically wears designer/name brand canvas shoes (adidas, doc martens, converse, vans, etc.). When sleeping, he usually wears a tee shirt and sweatpants.


Personality/Attitude: confident, logical, neat, fun, trusts his gut, tries to be optimistic, polite, generous, "kingly", wants to be treated well but feels under-appreciated often
Skills/Talents: fashion design, styling, baking
Favourites/Likes: sweets, tea, coffee, crime/suspense shows and movies, fantasy books, colorful ball jointed pens, clothes, rain, fuzzy blankets, cats, white
Most Hated/Dislikes: slow people, untrustworthy/unloyal people, snow, messy spaces, sports
Goals/Ambitions: wants to become a fashion designer for his own clothing
Strengths: creative, passionate, generous, actually warm-hearted
Weaknesses: stubborn, arrogant, can be self-centered
Fears: being forgotten, being cheated on/betrayed, bridges, clowns
Hobbies/Interests: fashion design, sketching, practicing piano, watching crime shows, baking
Regular Routine: wakes up, drinks morning tea or coffee, makes breakfast, feeds Prince, showers, goes to work, comes home and cooks dinner, does some sketching or watches TV, reads, writes up agenda for next day, and then goes to bed.
Philosophy of Life: Live it while you can because you can't go back, you can only go forward.
Attitude Toward Death: whatever happens happens. Whatever death may sum up to, that's just the way it is.
Religion/Beliefs: used to be pagan and believe in Greek gods, but lost his faith as he grew out of his teenage years. Now says he's simply atheist.
Fetishes/Strange Behaviors: spanking, likes backs, slight faint BDSM
Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: when his last relationship failed due to his partner cheating on him. He has been untrusting since.
Sexual Preference/Experience/Values: pansexual, is not a virgin, has had a bad experience with his boyfriend cheating and has not trusted dating or being with someone since.
Education/Special Training: has a degree in design and graduated high school with a GPA of 3.8 (worked his butt off!)
Place/Type of Residence: a small house just outside town that he's lived in for nearly 3 years.
Occupation: personal stylist
Place of Work: Schaefer Modeling and Styling Company (SMSC)
Past Occupations: worked a few part time jobs as a teen in retail mostly. Worked at a coffee shop as a barista for a while before working at SMSC.

Additional Notes

Lives in a nice modern house just outside the city that's mostly white color schemed due to Stevie's OCD and neatness.

*The Instagram profile edit I made is completely fictional, not to mention, more of a preview of the outcome of the story. It is not a current profile depiction.


(Photo credit to respective owners of the photos. I do not own any of the photos used, I just did the editing.)

The first chapter of Devotee will be published September 3rd. These character information sheets are a sort of introduction and teaser to the two main characters of this story.

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