Chapter 4: His Ideal Girl

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A/N : Hello lovelies! Since I've been gone for a long, long time, I want to bless you guys with this long chapter, so enjoy! Also, sorry for wrong spellings and grammar mistakes. xx


Her eyes drooped slowly, as she tried to consume each word, thrown by the familiar person standing meters before her.

That 'person' turned out to be the lecturer, and it seemed like he had been talking for decades, as she blinked her eyes several times to stay awake. Just as she was about to sit up straight, a snore so close to her ear, made her flinch. It was none other than Cameron's, who was sitting right beside her.

He snored again, and this time, caught some attention from the people who sat closer to them, as Vanessa coughed in embarrassment. He immediately roused from his deep sleep, and wiped the corner of his mouth.

''Shit, I almost made a human drool fountain if it wasn't for your manly cough.'' Cameron sneered, earning a glare from his best friend.

''Maybe I should've just let you flood this hall.'' Vanessa gave a dirty look, before resuming listening to the lecture.

Cameron sighed hopelessly, and put his chin on the palm of his hand. ''You should've. That way this boring ass lecture would drown and everyone would be happy.'' Vanessa looked at him in disbelief. ''I think.'' He added with a smug.

''Speaking of happy...'' Vanessa stopped and thought carefully. "What's up with Chris last night? I mean he wasn't usually like that... right?''

Cameron side-eyed her and slowly shortened the gap between them, until his lips almost touched her cheek, like he was trying to tell something confidential that might cause them trouble. His lips eventually found its way towards Vanessa's ear and lowly whispered, ''I think...'' he paused. Vanessa narrowed her eyes and waited eagerly for what was going to come out next.

''He's in love with you.''


Vanessa widened her eyes, and instantly slapped Cameron's face, not too hard, but enough to overpower the solemn silence of the hall.


Everyone was staring at them. Every. One. Even the lecturer.

''Oh, sorry sir, Vanessa just got a bit emotional. Umm, you see, she's... it's the month.'' Cameron awkwardly forced a smile and glanced at Vanessa as she bobbed her head in agreement.

The lecturer shook his head disappointedly, and proceeded the lecture.

''I'm going to freaking kill you.'' Vanessa gritted her teeth.

Cameron smirked and muttered under his breath, ''Can't wait.''


''Cam! Cam!'' Katherine shouted and forced her way through the swarming crowd, after the lecture had ended. She gasped for some air as she met up with Cameron and Vanessa. ''Cam...''

''What's up? Ghostface called you or something?'' Cameron sniggered as Vanessa held back a smile.

''Ha-ha. Nice try, Cameron Dallas.'' Katherine replied mockingly.

Cameron frowned. ''Ugh, you girls know I'm better than him. AND hotter.''

Katherine gave a disgusted look, as Vanessa tapped on Cameron's shoulder to comfort him and mouthed, 'no' apologetically.

''Anyway, I was gonna ask you something about Chris.'' Katherine continued. She looked like she was... blushing.

''Yeah, what about him?'' Cameron asked suspiciously.

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