Chapter 18

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Jungkook's Family

Taehyung couldn't help but to grip and lightly crumple the paper in his hands. 

It was too much, he can't help but to cry in sorrow.

He misses Jungkook. But he knew that it wasn't that easy to bring back their relationship to what it was before. Yes, Jungkook wished for them to be friends, but Taehyung himself doesn't know if he can agree with his request because he didn't want to complicate things.

Though seeing the pair of glasses in his hands, he remembered the first day when him and Jungkook met, their first hugs, kisses and what not.

"Don't confuse your feelings just because of a letter." he reminded himself softly, but a certain memory played in his mind in a split second.


"So Newton's law is about motion and— hey!"

Taehyung lightly grunted as he shivered in his seat. Not because of the cold tiled floor of the janitor's closet, but because of a certain someone interrupting his studies by kissing the back of his neck.

"And there are three laws." the person he was with, Jungkook, wrapped his arms around the older one's torso and continued giving butterfly kisses.

"Jungkook, I'm studying."

"You always pout whenever I don't notice you when I try to study. Why are you so strict when I do the same?"

"I don't kiss your neck. I'm sensitive there so please—!" Taehyung shrugged his shoulders high and slapped the younger one's thigh. "Seriously one more time and I'll bite you. Stop it!"

After hearing his shout, Jungkook acted like he was offended and walked away from his initial position to sulk in a corner.

The older one noticed this and released a long sigh. "Look kookie, I didn't mean to shout at you."

Jungkook lowered down his head and looked at the floor, inwardly smiling at the fact Taehyung looked panicked about what to do next.

"H-How can I make up to you?" the older one asked in worry.

In an instant, as if nothing happened, Jungkook stood up from the corner and once again gave the other a back hug.

"I was waiting for you to ask."

"Just hugs okay? No kisses."

"For now?"

"Hmm, for now."

Taehyung spent the rest of his free time reviewing his notes as Jungkook pressed his head against his back while singing and humming random songs from time to time.

"Okay so I'm at the last part and I'm having difficulties." Taehyung confessed as he raised his book up for Jungkook to see. "Give me a clue to remember the third rule."

"Action reaction?" the younger leaned his chin on the other's back as he stared intently at the paper. "Oh, that. Let me give a scenario."

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