Chapter 3

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"Hmm, next one."

"I thought we are going to shop clothes for him, why are we at your house?" Yoongi asked as he casually laid on Hoseok's bed while staring at the youngest fitting the clothes Hoseok has given him to try.

"I thought that it would be better if he got complimented, I would be praised too because the clothes were from me," Hoseok flashed them a smile with a nod as he looked at the new clothes Jungkook just tried. "Strategy, right? Eunbi would love this."

"I-Isn't this a little bit too revealing?" Jungkook stammered, the black leggings Hoseok gave were too tight for his liking, plus the white polo shirt that was supposed to be paired for it was too wide for his shoulders, so it showed a bit of his collar bone.

"Well care bares care not. You look good in it," Hoseok said, earning a nod from Namjoon and Yoongi. "I'm lending you this for free, so you better do your best at this date, okay?"

Jungkook had no choice but to give a nod back, something is bothering him, and his tongue won't stop inching until he asks.

"H-Hyung." He called out to nobody in particular, but he definitely got the other three's attention. "If I told you I am already dating somebody, would that change your opinion of me?"

"Famous Jungkook is no longer available?" Namjoon asked in a playful voice, which made the other bow down his head in embarrassment.

"I-It's just a 'w-what if'! I won't date somebody r-random of course." Jungkook let out an awkward laugh in defense. And his sudden reaction made his everybody else break into laughter.

"I know you're great at picking people, kookie." Hoseok raised his eyebrow, giving him a playful nudge. "And if your dating somebody more known, beautiful and sexier than Eunbi, then damn, let me meet her."

Jungkook was mentally drained, thinking about what he should say in front of his friends. It should be told now or it will be kept away forever.

"W-What i-if I-I'm d-dating a guy?"

The laughter that echoed around the room earlier was no longer there. As if in a flash, the atmosphere turned heavy. Jungkook wanted to punch himself for asking such a question all of a sudden. He already said it, though. So it cannot be taken back.

"That would be a waste if you were gay!" Namjoon spoke at the most positive tone as possible, to lighten up the atmosphere. "Girls are thirsting for you, you know."

"I-I know, I'm just joking, I won't date guy," Jungkook tried to convince them with a small smile, which he thought came out awkward. How he hated denying his relationship a lot of times, but he's trapped in between his pride, ego, fame and the love he feels for Taehyung.

"I won't actually mind if you date another guy." Yoongi peeped in, which made him the center of attention this time.

"R-Really?" Jungkook asked in disbelief.

He thought this was his chance, but that was too early to hope. Yoongi's next words made his heart drop down to his stomach.

"Just don't let him be weird or creepy, like that guy on our class. What was his name again? Taehyung?"

"He is not weird and annoying!" Jungkook defended on reflex. "He's just... unique, one of a kind."

His sudden outburst made the room quiet once again. Hoseok had to let out a laugh, noticing how 'bipolar' their conversation was.

"You seem to be protecting him, are you two close?" Namjoon asked.

"N-no, it's just my observation." Jungkook reasoned out with another awkward laugh. "I-I'll n-never be friends with a werido l-l-like h-him."

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