Chapter 10

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Series of Misunderstandings (1)

"D-Do you w-want to be my date and watch it with me?"

Taehyung showed happiness in his eyes. Of course he was excited to see fireworks with a friend for the first time, it would be a waste if he declined the offer, since he watched them all by himself every year.

"Of course, why no--"

"Next month, on the new year celebration, I would tell everyone that we're dating. Proudly and confidently."  

Jungkook's voice was still echoing in his head, his exact words were still remembered by Taehyung. Due to his boyfriend's promise, he wants to spend the new years with Jungkook of course.

Though seeing Jimin's anticipating expression confused him what to respond.

"Was that a yes...?" Jimin tilted his head t to take a better look at the other's face.

The silence from where they were ironically irritated Taehyung. He wants to say something, but he wished he knew what.

"O-Okay, though during fireworks I may leave you to walk around and see another person... Is that okay?"

Jimin hummed and nodded as a response, Taehyung sighed in relief after seeing his reaction. Though for some reason, the atmosphere became heavy in a flash.

'Now what...?' Taehyung thought as he flashed off a smile.

As if on cue, a car with sirens that just passed by broke the silence in the bathroom.

"We should get out of the bathroom now, maybe people called the police because we stayed in here for too long." Jimin joked, which made Taehyung laugh out loud because of his cheekiness.

"Ha ha, funny. That's an ambulance, can you not tell?"

It made him think about how Jimin was great at lifting his mood.

And why he didn't fall for him instead.


One week later, the school was busy because of the students preparing for the movie week. This was their last project for this year, so every student had the same mentality, it had to be pretentious.

Jin told them that they were finished at filming their short movie. He specifically told them to wait outside the classroom, for he is taking the two somewhere.

Finally, after five minutes of waiting, Jin came running to their direction and went behind their backs to casually hold their shoulders and pushed them to start walking.

"Where are you taking us, Jin hyung?" Taehyung asked, but Jin kept a straight face, telling them they'll know once they get there.


Confusedly, Taehyung opened his mouth to ask why Jin brought them to the school's mini auditorium.

"Are we going to watch your output?" Jimin asked for Taehyung, he knew they were both thinking the same thing. Though, seeing few students entering the place, they both knew something was going on.

"It's like the 'pre show' where us contestants watch all of the movies in advance, plus the technical crew sees if the film is 100% working or not." Jin confidently explained. "Now, get both of your ass in there, the program is already starting by now."

"We're not contestants--"

"I know, but at least support my film, right?" the eldest grinned a cheeky smile. "Don't worry, I know the host for today's event. Plus it's your chance to enjoy the other films, our presentation is one of the last ones of course... save the best for last." he ended with his signature wink.

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