Worth A Try

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"You've already met Agent Fitz," Director Coulson led you into the science lab. Agent Fitz was standing with his hands in his pockets along with another woman with short brown hair. "He's our specialist when it comes to engineering. This is Agent Jemma Simmons, Bio-chem." She put out her hand, and you graciously took it. "I'm sure you three will get along just fine." With that, Coulson turned and left.

"Wait. That's it?" You asked.

Coulson stuck his head through the doorway an smiled at you. "Welcome to S.H.I.E.L.D.,"

You weren't really sure what to do in this situation, and neither, did it seem, did the two scientists who were supposed to be mentoring you.

After a long, awkward silence, Jemma piped up, "Well, there's something I need to take care of. I'll leave you two to your work."

Agent Simmons turned and left, the click of her heels on the floor much louder than it should've been.

"So... How can I be of service?" You asked.

"Hm?" Fitz replied absentmindedly. "Oh! Yes, uh, come with me." He said abruptly. "Recently, I've been working on, well, something for you."

He led you to a slightly cluttered table, roughly in the centre of the lab. The space in the middle of the desk was cleared apart from a small grey device. It looked like someone had stuck two pyramids together. The strange machine was covered in nubs, gears, buttons, and even a triangular screen on one side.

"I'm flattered." You said, inspecting the new invention. After a period of more silence, you asked, "What is it?"

"You're the one with the powers, you tell me."

"Is it finished, first of all?"

"No." He said quietly.

"Then you can see why I'm having trouble figuring out its purpose."

"Yeah, I see your point." Fitz took a hand out of his pocket and brought it up to scratch at his jaw. You laughed.

"Back to my original question; what is it?"

"It's a tetrahedron." When you didn't say anything, he elaborated, "A solid figure with eight fac--"

"I know," you interrupted, "I know what a tetrahedron is."


"Just... What does it do exactly?"

"It's supposed to help you get a hold of your powers; a specialised fidget cube, if you will." He picked up the device and turned it in his hand. "Each side has a different function, only, there are no switches to turn them on or off, and--"

"And I'm supposed to use my powers to get it to work." He nodded. "That's a pretty solid idea." You smile at him. "Thanks."

"Yeah, well." He ran his fingers through his curly hair. "Let me show you something." He then led you to what appeared to be a miniature magnifying glass. Sensing your confusion, he explained further, "It's supposed to make things invisible." He then put his hand behind the object. It was still clearly visible behind the transparent material.

"Wow. Works like a charm, doesn't it?"

He smirked at your sarcasm. "But, if we dim the lights..." He moved over to the light switch.

"I got it," you said before he could turn off the lights, and mentally did so yourself.

"You're getting a pretty good handle on your powers." He commented.

"Yeah, I guess when you're me, and you've been stuck in a white techno-box for the past two and a half weeks, you learn how to make things do what you want." You shrugged. Fitz looked at you strangely as he put two and two together.

"So... You could've gotten out of that containment pod any time you wanted."

"Could've." You repeated.

"Why didn't you?" He asked. You thought about it for a while, unsure of what to say.

"I don't know. Didn't want to?" You finally answer.

Another stretch of silence filled the lab.

"I... I guess we should probably get to work." Fitz said suddenly. He turned and started walking to another work station.

"What sort of work?" You asked cautiously.

"Coulson stationed you here. My guess is that it's for a reason."

"But I know nothing about computers or technology."

He cocked an eyebrow. "You and I both know that's not true. Now, come and help me with this."

You two worked tirelessly on a new invention; one that was supposed to wirelessly download information from a closed server. At least that's how Fitz explained it. You pretended to know exactly what he was talking about. After all; all you did was talk to machines, you weren't a tech genius like he was.

Fitz did the physical building of the device, while you offered direction here and there, guiding him in what exactly he needed to do, and letting him know of any glitches or kinks in the wiring before he even tested the machine out.

When you were finished, he patted you on the shoulder and said,"Well done."

"Why?" You asked.

"The inventing process usually takes me a couple of hours to perfect everything."

"How long have we been here?" 

He looked up at the clock on the wall, "45 minutes," he replied.

"Wow," you remarked, and mentally pat yourself on the back. You looked to the side of the work station, and noticed a small container full of blue translucent pills. "What are these?" You asked.

"Oh. Jemma's working on those." He explained, "They're food pills. Meant for agents who are in retreat and may not have access to food and drink for an extended amount of time. Neutralises the feeling of hunger, while also providing crucial nutrients and sustenance to the body. Doesn't have a scent or taste, although I'm trying to convince Gemma to reconsider the latter."

"Not happening, Fitz." Simmons called out from her workspace. "And anyway, 'Fitz's sandwich' isn't a real flavour."

"Dammit. Worth a try I guess."


A/N: Guys, I just churned out two chapters in under 12 hours. I'm on a rolllllll. 

Anyways, once again, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to favourite, share comment and follow me if you wanna(though not necessarily in that order lmao) 

Love y'all 


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