chapter 1

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    International airport London.

Good evening ladies and gentlemen all the passengers of flight number 5612A departing to india from London international airport are requested to go to boarding gate .

Thank u


5612A airplane

First class .

It was luxurious with mimum hardly 2 to 3 family's inside .

There were 2 side of first class one side was for 2 family's and other said was already allocated for one family which was raziarda family .

The riazarda family had come to London for vacation trip the whole family stayed in London for 2 weeks and today they were going back to Indian .
One side the whole riazarda family sat gossiping talking having fun exact opposite to them was same big space like other side were raziarda's sat it was vacant place .

The raizarda family sat  round as there seats were like sofa it was kind of home in first class
Arnav Singh raizarda soon joined and sat with his family in that sofa after putting the seat belts .

After 1st announcement

Khushi gupta dressed in blue jeans and white shirt along with sneakers her hair were open , here eyes were fill red while her nose to turned pink. She lifelessly walked inside and dropped herself in her big space seat which was opposite to raizarda family .when they saw her coming all became quite the family attention was on khushi who was lifelessly staring nothing at particular she just sat staring at table in front of her .

Airhostes came to khushi and said in polite way " madam seat belt plz" .

"Ma'am seat belt plz"  when she repeated 3rd time she dint get any response.

While khushi kept staring at nothing at particular her eyes were puffed and full red .

Adi (shashi gupta PA aditya  came rushing towards them after completing his phone call ) 

He rushed towards them and said to air horstes " can u please help her in getting seat belt "

The lady helped her ready and left while khushi dint make any move from her side she just kept staring at nothing in particular.

After air horstes left adi leaned down near khushi and said "u okie kiddio " when he dint get any response he stood up and walked towards cabin crew members taking glass of orange juice he came back taking a tablet from his pocket he mixed it inside and gave it to khushi .

Khushi dint even make any move to touch it he forceable made her drink the juice  .While khushi accepted when he kept glass near her lips 
In soon time she got unconscious and dosed off .adi adjusted the AC temperature and taking the quilt from upper case he cover with quilt keeping her face near window pane keeping soft pillow behind her .He moved back making sure she is comfortable .giving last look to khushi adi walked back to his seat , which was behind khushi personal space .

The raizarda family saw the entire seen infront of them , they were horriblfired when they saw any stranger mixing something in that girl drink and that girl behaviour made them worry more .They kept quite looking at everything , they felt bad seeing poor girl state .

Other hand Arnav entire attention was on the stranger girl , he could feel pain in her eyes , he was angry when the man mixed something in her drink and taking care of her if she confrtable or not .He so wished to stop him but he was no one stop anyone he controlled his argue so much .

Other hand khushi slept peaceful but her face was plane anyone who would see her would feel pety on her .

The plane took off from London international airport , it was around 4 hours since the plane took off the raizarda who planned have fun in plane was  also floped in instant since when they saw poor girl. Since the moment she slept the entire family sat staring at her with worries, concern, and fear .While adi every now and then have kept checking khushi. Arnav Singh raizarda was equally was wondering seeing wired things happening in front of him but he could not stop anything .

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