chapter 17

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Somewere on earth .

"Sir we are unable to track khushi gupta, this Raizarda have strong security sir We are unable to find any information .For now we only know that she is with Raizarda family" man in early 30s said blowing his head infront of old man who was smoking  cigar.

"I Pay you enough money find more information "old man shouted.

" sir as I said earlier . Arnav singh raizarda have power of authority it is also in news that arnav Singh Raizarda is engaged to khushi gupta ... but we are unable to find his any moves  in both Is personal and professional life "man said

" find information about that girl ...she was studying in some university in London right " old man shouted.

"We found out sir , she is not resuming her collage back as for now she is Delhi with Raizarda family .as far as sources she may continue her studies in India or els leave it in middle "

"Find with all collages in Delhi , not just Delhi everywere in India ...find out if she is joining any  collage or no ...I need that girl any cost "old man said throwing his cigar in angry .

"Yes sir "saying man walked away signing in relief.


Raizarda family .

Arnav dropped another bomb on family that khushi will be leaving for London after 4 days .family was more sad  then before .khushi cried when she got to know about same. She was spending more and more time with family even arnav found out it very difficult but he stood strong and consoled his family .

There was serious discussion going on in living room .who is going to London with khushi .family was like all ready to go London but arnav was denying for many reasons .

"Nani make them understand , we are not going On trip .I am going with khushi no one els "arnav said in annoy seeing his family stubbornness.

" but chote we so wish to come . did you see khushi she is so upset and you both aways Fight so how will you make everything comfortable for khushi there ..I'm really scared "anjali said in worry .

"Di you know my reasons , we can't reveal khushi where about so it's better you all don't come , if media knows it will be big problem for khushi and moreover remember no one will know khushi will be in states for 1 year this should be hidden " arnav said pocketing his hands.

"Yeh but still chote"anjali said .

"Trust me . Even I'm worried about her safety Di and nothing will happen to her u know .Just believe me and I have my security team there to look after khushi ...I know it will be difficult prase for us but di we don't have any option. If anyone stays with her then that will also be  problem so it's better we keep her away for sometime and as I told you all can visit her anytime and meet her ..." arnav said with patience.

" hmm emm , I worried about her stay and all "Nani said

"Yours grand daughter will be super fine ..For once trust me "arnav said in annoy making Nani raise her eyebrow.

From lats few days she is observing how arnav is gent when matter is related to khushi and she was kind pleased with his behaviour because she was happy planning there both future together already in her tiny naught mind . It's not that she don't trust him she trust him blindly but she was worried about khushi as khushi is too innocent and pampered girl .

"Okay if chote is  saying this much we have to agree with him and it will be difficult for khushi if we all go there "Nani said giving up

"Great ...I'm leaving "arnav said signing in relief and moved out of living room .

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