Chapter 14

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okay so this is taking it back to before luke and the boys are in lucy's house, just so you know :)

LUKE’S POV Ahh finally, so now you know what he thinks ;)

Me and the guys stood before Lucy’s house. Jai said we had to go over, he said we needed to repair the friendship now. I swear he ate a bowl full of cheese this morning.

The only reason we were even in this position was because she was leaving.

I will admit it though. It stung, it stung like a bitch that Lucy was leaving and I couldn’t even stop her, that I wasn’t going to be able to stop her from leaving, nor was I going to get to see her for seven months. It just plain hurt.

I mean how am I supposed to go from everyday visits and sleepovers (this week being an exception) to now and then Skype calls. I just can’t so excuse me for being selfish and declaring the truth. I don’t want my best friend to leave, even if it is with one direction.

So here we were, stood outside her house, beau knocking patiently waiting for her to answer, knowing Luce though she’ll probably just slam it back in our faces for ignoring her.

Yes I did ignore her after our argument and I told the boys to do it as well. I remember the day after our argument, she was waiting for me at her locker, and I walked straight past her not even looking at her. It killed me, I mean she’s beautiful and I had to make my eyes not rake over her.

Yes I said Lucy was beautiful, I mean have you seen her, most of the guys at our school are crazy for her, but I warned most of them off in our first year and when everyone realised how close we were they thought we were an item, which we’re not but they then automatically avoided her. Apart from Jordy, he liked her from the start and if he hurts her I’ll knock his head of his shoulders.

That’s what Iam worried about, I mean, how will I comfort her when she finally falls for a guy and he breaks her heart, sure I’ve been there when guys have been dicks towards her referring for her to climb in their beds. But how am I, a guy who often breaks hearts, supposed to accommodate to a broken heart, im not, so I’ve made sure she hasn’t went through one. It helps when my best friend is head strong and knows what she wants.

That’s Lucy for you though, she hardly gets nervous and when she does, well to say the least it’s hilarious.

After a few moments of waiting for her to answer the door a male answers the door in nothing but some loose shorts. Is Lucy finally doing the dirty? She always refused to not do ‘it’ with a stranger she said she was waiting for the perfect time and for the perfect guy, she wanted it to be special. And then there’s me, I sleep with any girl that is fit and knows what to do, but I do love it when they’re innocent, so yes I am a player. I play the girls then break their hearts, I know it’s heartless in fact the only girl I’ve never even played or thought about playing is Lucy. She’s the exception to my rule.

The male then becomes a bit more recognizable. Liam Payne is stood on the inside of my best friend’s house. “eh, can I help you?” he spoke softly but rudely. Wait so has my Lucy lost it to Liam Payne from one direction?

“yeah, is Lucy in?” I spoke hopefully, he then wore a cocky smirk

“yes, she’s just getting changed, would you like to come in and wait for her?” he spoke nicely opening the door.

I nodded my head and we walked through the boys following suit of me. Then my eyes lay upon the rest of one direction all in what now appears to be swimming gear. It now makes sense.

Then I heard the footstep behind me, and my eyes followed the noise to where the stairs were. And walking down the stairs was my best friend, Lucy, in nothing but a bikini. One which perfectly showed off her girly parts, If Lucy wasn’t Lucy I’d definitely be gawking

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