Chapter 20: A twist of fate

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Waking up next to Jesse, in a luxurious hotel after what he would call a perfect evening, was probably one of the best feelings to Parker.

His body still tingled at the thought of last night, which brought a smile to his face.

He was just dozing off again when he heard Jesse mumble something.

"Huh?" Parker whispered, wriggling round to face Jesse.

"Morning Park...last night was great..." said Jesse sleepily, his eyes still closed.

Parker couldn't help but laugh at how cute Jesse was in the morning.

"Why are you laughing?" He sat up, rubbing his eyes.

"You're just...f*cking adorable when you're half asleep."

Jesse chuckled, but then stopped, and gave Parker a worried look.

"Shit dude, what time is it? We're supposed to be outta here by midday so we can catch our flight at 12:45!"

"Oh f*ck!" Parker scrambled out of the king sized bed and grabbed his phone.



"How are we both going to shower, get dressed and pack up in less than 30 minutes?" Parker was already clearing the unorganised bedside tables and stuffing it in his suitcase.

"Um...share a shower?"

Parker froze, feeling his cheeks burning all of a sudden.

"O-ok..." He stuttered but covered it up with a nervous laugh,"Looks like we're reaching a whole new level of intimacy..."

"Dude, I don't know why you sound so nervous. We've f*cked before. Me inside of you. A shower is just wetter. Oh and there's no sex..."

"This time" Parker added.

"Come on now, we're getting later by the second!" Jesse was already out of bed, ready to strip down and hop in the shower.

Nodding his head towards the bathroom once more, he said, with a grin on his face, "What are you waiting for?"


"Why are you guys so late?" Jeffrey was standing outside the hotel, leaning on his suitcase.

"Well..." Parker started...

"We went to this fancy restaurant, then came back to the hotel real late and-"

"You f*cked real hard and fell asleep straight afterwards your arms wrapped around each other, aw cute." Jeffrey replied with a hint of sarcasm.

Jesse rolled his eyes and Parker let out a small, embarrassed laugh.

"Anyway," Jesse continued,"We woke up real f*cking late, so we tried to get ready quickly but, we kinda go sidetracked..."

"Why? What happened?"

Now, Parker was blushing a deep shade of crimson, and Jesse's lips were curled up in a nervous smile.

The two exchanged a knowing look, but it didn't seem like they were about to share.

"Don't worry about it Jeffrey, we're here now and that's what matters!" Parker finally spoke up, evaporating all the awkward tension in the air.

Then, Jesse went on, saying,"Now,  if we stand around here for much longer we are definitely going to be late!"

Jeffrey thought hard about what could have happened that caused then to be so behind schedule.

He had a few ideas.


It was a close call, but fortunately Jeffery, Jesse and Parker had managed to get on their flight, rushing into the airport haphazardly to sort out all their luggage.

Sighing in relief, Jesse flopped down onto his seat,"That was too close!"

Parker sat beside him, and Jeffrey sat at the end (next to Parker).

Then, just as Jesse was relaxing, his phone vibrated beneath him.

"Oh, who's calling?" Parker asked looking over.

"I don't know, but the number looks familiar."

"Maybe you should answer it." Jeffrey said, leaning forward so he could see Jesse.

"Yeah ok." Jesse put the ear up to his phone.


"I know about you and Parker." Said what sounded like a recorded voice.

"What...the f*ck?"

"Don't hang up now, or I'll release the picture to all of your fans."

"What do you want?" He lowered his voice, though his throat felt tight with fear, as if someone was choking him.

"Meet me behind your house in the woods tomorrow. Or else."

Then the line went dead.

"Jesse? Jesse? Are you ok?" Parker shook Jesse's shoulder softly.

Jesse felt that same feeling he had experienced at Boogie's that night. The fear. The terror. Parker and Jeffrey's voices got further and further away. His head hurt and his stomach whirled.

Someone knew their secret. Someone bad knew their secret.

And they were out to get them.

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