Chapter Five

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And because the last chapter was so short, here's yet another one. ~Luna&Sunny

Lauren's POV

Knocking on the door to the apartment, I released a sigh and ran a hand through my hair.

I didn't know what was going on with Camila, but the things she said to Emma were uncalled for.

The door to the apartment opened to reveal Normani. Why was Normani here?

I sighed, looking at my feet nervously. "Where is Camila?" I asked softly.

"She's asleep, I can wake her up if you want. I drove the car back last night and found her drinking and wearing soaking wet clothing." She responded running a hand through her hair. "I ended up staying to take care of her."

I shook my head. "Don't wake her. I'll just go." I mumbled, turning away from the door.

"Laur wait." Normani said.

I turned to look at her, frowning slightly. What could she possibly want from me?

"I want to reconnect with you. I want us to go back to the way we were, before all of this." Normani said softly.

"I don't think we will ever be the way we were." I muttered to myself.

She bit her lip and looked down. '"Can we at least try? I miss my best friend."

I shrugged. "Yeah." I mumbled.

She looked up at me, a glimmer of hope flashed through her eyes.

"But it's going to take some time for me." I mumbled, shifting uncomfortably under her gaze.

She nodded her head and opened the door wider, that's when I noticed the night shirt and sweatpants, those were my favorite pajamas to wear of Camila's.

"If you come in, I can make breakfast and we can just talk until Mila wakes up." She offers.

"I've already eaten." I mumbled, hesitating before stepping into the apartment.

She bit her lip, "Um, would you like anything to drink? Mila has crush and rootbeer or pink lemonade."

"No thank you." I said, even though I was nervous around her and I didn't trust her like I used to, I always remembered my manners.

"What would you like?" She asked tilting her head to the side.

"I don't want anything, thanks" I mumbled, looking down at my feet and feeling very insecure. I could feel my hands start to shake and my heart rate quicken out of nervousness.

Normani sat down and looked at her hands. "I really am sorry about everything Laur."

I didn't say anything. I didn't know what to say.. I slumped down in the arm chair across from her.

I sat on my hands to try and stop them from shaking.

We just sat there silently until the bedroom door opens and Camila walked out in nothing but a pair of tight black and blue striped boxers.

"Manz, I need some advil." She groaned dropping onto the couch.

"Hi, Camz." I said, biting my lip.

She jumped, and lifted her head off the arm of the couch. "Hi." She mumbled before groaning again and putting her hand to her head. "Manz, I ready need advil."

"I'll go get some." Normani said, getting up off the couch and going into the kitchen.

Camila sits up once Normani comes back with water and Advil. "Mmm, thanks baby." She mumbled before looking at me. "Hey Laur." She said softly looking down at her hands.

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